Friday, June 24, 2022

Fallen Watchers part two

Fallen Watchers part two


God over-emphasizes the fact that he had to DESTROY "every living thing" off the face of the earth (except Noah and family and "carefully selected" animals). This is an extremely "stern" action and has never really been properly understood as to why? Now you KNOW why, God HAD to, otherwise no life COULD have been spared. Left outside the hands of YHVH, man and beast would have been utterly annihilated, by "nephillim infestation", and or by themselves. This interaction also seemed to instill irrevocable destruction to the "spiritual nature" of mankind, as "...that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only EVIL CONTINUALLY" (Gen.6:5). There was only one way for YHVH to handle this dilemma, by "wiping the proverbial slate clean!". 

And that's exactly what the YHVH did....the flood. Satan had attempted to infiltrate ALL FLESH LITERALLY, to try and thwart the inevitable birth of Yeshua/Jesus Christ. Had God not taken the stern action of THE FLOOD, the doom of all mankind would have been a surety. The "plague" of fallen angels completely and utterly perverted ALL FLESH, even the animal kingdom, as YHVH destroyed them as well. We may never know the full extent of the ramifications dealing with the flood event, but we do have somewhat of a "picture", if we will believe the bible. Like most of the "deeper" truths in the bible, they are not shown "openly" on the outside, but rather "mixed throughout" the scripture. These truths are only discernible when one digs deep into ALL the Word, and pulls these points together. There are things written in the bible, that NO ONE HAS FOUND AS YET as things have not occurred for the prophecy given to be revealed. God has made his Word this way. Some things must come to pass for these truths to come to the forefront, and so it is with the area of the "nephillim" in the bible. 

It has been the modern UFO era, that has brought to light the truths revealed in Genesis 6, and also confirming what Christ had said about the time of the end, and its similarity to the time of the flood. As a matter of fact, the bible says the end will be EXACTLY like the time before the flood. Though Satan failed the first time, he will, and is attempting it once again for his TIME IS SHORT. The reality of this truth is and will be totally denied by the Church at large, for it goes against THEIR DOCTRINES AS TAUGHT BY MEN. It does not matter, for the TRUTH will always remain THE TRUTH, no matter how much they try to deny it.  

Now Noah and the seven others of his family were "spared". What the Church will teach you, is that Noah was "perfect". He was a "just" man, and thereby by he was "superiorly righteous" before the Lord. Nope, you have to dig deeper then that. The word perfect here is translated in the Hebrew [Strong's ref. 8549 tamiym, taw - meem; entire, without blemish,complete, perfect,undefiled,whole]. It comes from an even earlier root, tamam, meaning be clean, consume,and make an end [Strong's ref. 8552]. Now, all these adjectives are descriptive of "sacrifices" and used in this context. Certain sacrifices or burnt offerings, had to be made with animals that were "unblemished" or perfect "specimens" (physically). These were considered "undefiled" and acceptable offerings unto YHVH. Face it folks, we found out after the flood that Noah wasn't at all that "perfect" now was he (he was a drunk!). No, I'm pretty sure the Word of God is indicating that Noah's "bloodline" was "undefiled" by the fallen angel "invasion". His "genealogy" was unaffected by the fallen ones, thereby allowing an untainted bloodline to pass through the flood, which pass's on through to the 1st advent of the Savior. 

Both the spiritual and the physical aspects of "pureness" or "perfection" (unblemished, without spot) are represented in the scripture. What has never been properly explained is the "physical" aspect. The interpretation by the Church leaves God looking like a "bumbling idiot" when it comes to his "creation". No, there is something "deeper" inferred by God in the LAWS of "cleanliness" and "purification" as to what is interpreted commonly today. God does not put just any old thing in his Word, and expect you to uphold them. No, there is precise "meaning" and "purpose" in every last JOT AND TITTLE of his Word. 

The whole mystery of 'why the flood?' becomes clear when one acknowledges the truth of Genesis ch.6. You will begin to understand "why" the person of Noah, and his "purpose" according to the flood event. You will understand why Noah was "spotless" and without "blemish". This will not seem at all too remarkable when one looks at the typology and eschatology concerning Noah in comparison with Christ. There is a hidden message in the genealogy from Adam to Noah. It is quite remarkable in that it really sums up to be a prophecy concerning Christ in the most simplest of ways you can think of. If we take the names of Adams descendants up to Noah, and translate them from Hebrew to English, we find this remarkable message of Yeshua Christ's mission, for the redemption of all mankind, from the "curse" exacted at the fall.




the blessed God 
shall come down 
his death shall bring 
the despairing 
rest, or comfort

"Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow; (but) the blessed
God shall come down teaching (that) his death shall
bring (the) despairing rest."

       This truly is a "bible code" if there ever was or is such a thing. NO WAY, that a group of Jewish Rabbi's would deliberately contrive to hide an expression of the Christian Gospel within their venerated Torah!. Indeed, this was by supernatural design.


        Now, what on God's green earth could possibly be the PURPOSE of the fallen angels "procreating" with mankind you ask? Didn't you read your bible? You have to go back a couple of chapters in Genesis to find yet another verse of scripture that has NEVER been properly interpreted or understood:

"And I will put enmity between thee (Satan)
and the woman, and between
thy seed (Satan's)
her seed (daughters of men);
it (seed of mankind, Yeshua/Jesus) shall bruise thy head (Satan's),
and thou (Satan's seed, Satan) shalt bruise
his (Yeshua/Jesus) heel".

(Gen. 3:15)

        This is nothing other than a clear cut "declaration of war" and HOW it will be fought, and is initiated directly from God. What has completely been overlooked, is this verse of scripture says that Satan has a SEED. The use of the word "seed" here is being used in the context of "children" or "offspring". Both uses of the word "seed" here comes from the SAME translation in the Hebrew [Strong's ref. 2233 zera, zeh - rah; seed, fig. plant, sowing-time, posterity:- x carnally, child, fruitful]. The use of this word here is in the context of "child bearing". What this is revealing, is that the WAR is being fought out against the "seed of mankind" (or woman), by the SEED OF THE SERPENT (nephillim). 

You won't completely understand all this yet, but it will all become "crystal clear" when I begin to discuss the ANTICHRIST, later on. The other fallen angels that are with Satan are NOT his "seed". ONLY the "nephillim" are Satan's seed, even though the rest of the fallen angels are submissive to his purposes and will. Only the seed of the nephillim came through the carnal union of fallen angels and mankind, all other beings of the angelic host were "created in heaven". This verse of scripture ALONE, indicates that there was (is?, going to be?) a definite interaction on a "physical" scale, between mankind (woman) and "non-human (but with corporeal bodies) supernatural entities". 

The "target" of attack by the "seed of the serpent", is the "seed of the woman" that Jesus would come from. It is directed and focused at Jesus's "bloodline", even though the seed of mankind is targeted as well (spoken generally). Satan tried to directly "defile" the bloodline from which Messiah would come from before the flood, and it will be shown that he did after, has been still, and is going to eventually come out with his "secret weapon". The enmity against mankind in general will culminate with the advent of Antichrist (Satan's "special" seed). But lets now SEE if this is so. Was Satan put out of the business of "hybridization" by the flood?, or is he still doing it?


       By the time Abram (not yet Abraham) was pursuing his "kidnapped" brother Lot into Danite country, king Chedorlaomer of ancient Elam, was "slaughtering" TRIBES of these nephillim all over the land (Gen.14:5). This is before the eventual "erasure" of Sodom and Gomorrah. This has always stumped theologians. How did these things show up after the flood? And how could they "multiply" so rapidly into what seems to be "races" when studying the text?. There are various Hebrew myths that claim that king "Og" of Bashan (a nephillim), was descended from another nephillim called "Hiya", who was the son of the fallen angel called "Shemyaza" (a watcher. See book of Enoch). "Og" was said to have "escaped the Deluge by clinging to a rope

ladder attached to the Ark, and being fed by Noah through a pothole" according to myth. The initial nephillim "infestation", was completely erased by the flood.
ALL flesh perished. The "physical" structures (bodies) of these entities were destroyed . This was NOT their final end. 

These initial nephillim were transformed from their "nephillim" form, into their newest incarnation, DEMONS! (disembodied nephillim). A large number of these demon remnants of the nephillim from the flood, are NOW being held in tartarus (hell. To be released in the future), while the rest are confined to the earth. To show that this is true, one only has to look where the word "demon" comes from. 

The word "demon", which is exclusive to the Greek, was translated from the words "seirim" and "shedim", in the Hebrew. "Seirim", is the name of a "tribe" of nephillim, which are related to have been native to the area of Mt. Seir, south of the Dead Sea. The name comes from the Hebrew [Strong's ref. 8165 Seiyr, say - eer; seir, a mountain of Idumaea and its aboriginal occupants.]. But the root for this word is the most revealing[Strongs ref. 8163 saiyr, saw - eer; shaggy, a he-goat; by anal. a faun:- devil, goat, hairy, satyr.]. And even more [Strong's ref. 8175 saar, saw - ar; a prim. root, to storm, i.e. fear:- be horribly afraid, be tempestuous, come like a storm.]. It is the root "saiyr", that we get the Greek translation for"daemon" (demon). The scary thing about these root words for the name "Seirim", is they all indicate that these things were REAL TANGIBLE CREATURES. They were "aboriginal occupants", they were "hairy" and "shaggy", they are related to being "fauns" (fairies), "satyrs" (may I point your attention to the "myth" of the Greek god Pan), and DEVILS, but they were tangible, PHYSICAL manifestations that lived and were "native" to some areas. The word "shedim" in the Hebrew means [Strong's ref. 7700 shed, shade; a demon:- devil.]. This comes from an earlier, and quite interesting [Strong's ref. 7736 shuwd, shood; a prim. root; to swell up, fig. (by impl. of insolence),to devastate:- waste.]. It was the combination of these two Hebrew words, that we get our version, demons. The "shedim" are the most ancient of all nephillim tribes listed in the bible. The source of the root is said to predate the ancient chaldean it comes from. Along with the "seirim", these two tribes were pre-flood. Their historical traces are found only in vestigial remnants of ancient Hebrew and chaldean legends, and in the Hebrew language itself. Their REALITY is confirmed by the Holy Writ. 

In the above illustration, I have placed the name"Beth-Rapha"as a possible connection to the appearance of the nephillim after the flood. The reason why, is that this families name means literally "house of the dead" or "house of the Rapha" (demon). It must be completely are NOT nephillim, and nephillim are NOT demons and so on. The term "demon" is generic, just as "angel" is generic. Nephilim are "demonic", but not demons. What we are dealing with here, is the HIERARCHY of the ENEMY. This is referred to by the apostle Paul in the New Testament as the "kosmokrateros". Demons have their own subset hierarchy as will be shown. It is important that you understand this fact. 

The Church by and large, doesn't have a clue as to how Satan's hierarchy works, and as such, "my people perish for lack of knowledge". This diagram is by no means comprehensive, but it shows that there is a "pattern of succession" that occurs from angel, to fallen angel, to nephillim, down to demon. It shows HOW the host of heaven (evil alignment) became structured trough a system of "de-generation" (they fall from one "stage", to the next, each time relinquishing

some their abilities and power). It would seem that this is the price that is payed by the fallen angels for their tampering with the flesh. The difference between a fallen angel and a demon, is that the fallen angel has the ability and power to "manifest and de-manifest flesh", and more than likely still retains most of his powers and abilities from his "first habitation". 

The fallen angel is more or less "held at bay as to what he is allowed to do", A demon on the other hand, does NOT have these abilities anymore. They have lost the ability to "manifest flesh", and have lost also their once "corporeal body" (nephillim). They need to "possess" a body now, that is not their own. Now is a good time to refer to the ex-canonical book of Enoch, which WAS apart of the original canon of scripture at one time, placed just before the book of Job:

Now the nephillim, who have been
born of spirit and of flesh,
shall be called upon earth
evil spirits,
and on earth shall be their habitation. Evil spirits shall
proceed from their flesh,
because they were created from above;
from the holy (?) Watcherswas their beginning
and primary foundation...."

(Enoch 15)

        As you can see, this text indicates that the demons are directly descended from the nephillim, and that the nephillim are descended from the fallen angels (watchers). Demons have traversed three consecutive stages to end up where they now are. In so doing, they have lost most of their abilities to "penetrate" into the physical like they once had the ability to do. It can be shown, that not all demons share the same abilities. There are "types" of demons that are distinctly different in how they operate, and in some instances, described as having different properties in the way they manifest and interact in the physical.

"...The spirits of the nephillim shall be like
c  l  o  u  d  s,
which shall oppress, corrupt, fall, contend, and
bruise those upon the earth...".

(Enoch 15)

        The adjective "clouds", is most descriptive (2 Pet.2:17, Jude 12). The relationship between "bruise those upon the earth" and Gen. 3:15 is most evident. All of the titles designated to angels can be either "good" or "fallen", with the exception of the Archangels (even though Satan could have possibly been an Archangel, the bible is silent on this). All angels according to the bible, were either cherubim or seraphim. There are no other "types" given. Satan IS a Cherub! That is how he was created. His NATURE has changed, but not too much else (in form). Its only wise to assume that all "fallen" angels must be of these two types as well, only their "alignment" has changed. Their "structure" (cherub or seraph), did not change when they fell. Their "angelic powers" were NOT changed as well. They are just limited now as to what they are ALLOWED to do. 

The misconception that when they "left there first habitation", they lost their angelic abilities is absurd. This stems from the perception, that fallen angels are demons. They are NOT!. Demons are directly connected to the nephillim in the scriptures. Their "first habitation" was HEAVEN, now they are confined to HERE (this universe, especially earth). Demons no longer have access to heaven, and furthermore, scripture seems to indicate that demons can NOT FLY! (Matt.12:43, Luke 11:24). The word used in both of those passages in the New Testament, specifically means "walking". Its very important that you understand this, demons are on the "bottom of the totem-pole" . They do not have the same "benefits" so to speak, as they once had.

End of part two