Thursday, June 16, 2022

Holy Fire and Why now questions

Holy Fire and Why now questions

Don Bradley

Sivan 16

Getting hit with questions so fast, going to head them all off at the pass. The ones that matter, at least. Excuse please the cowboy metaphor; old sayings but just as telling. I wish I didn't have to talk about this, but He says to, so...

  1. Hey? What's with these fiery blue and red pictures of yourself from time to time? What's that all mean?

This started on the Passover of 2005; this shows up occasionally in shots I'm in. Always outside, always between 11am and 1pm, the sun's zenith. (This fits, as the witching hour for demonics is midnight, in direct opposition to YHVH's divine order of things.) If the camera is with 15 feet, under the above conditions, it always shows. Clairvoyants and witches can also see it, their demons give them that sight. It's why you see in the old paintings a nimbus of Glory around paintings of Holy men and women. Now, the satanists have called it sun worship, when it is none.

All REAL holiness in our time, decried and hated by satanist preachers like the Billy Graham and all the other slit eyed bastards I've exposed over the decades, is decried now as evil. Dad said it would be like this, people calling good evil and vice versa. And so it is.

People with the Holy Spirit know what they are seeing, because He reveals to their hearts, His presence in us both.

The blue is the fire of the Christ, the Comforter. The reddish orange band you see is the heart, or the golden bowl, where upon YHVH's Ark of the Covenant rests in your/His Holy of Holies, His temple. This made possible by Yeshua at Golgotha, where the Ark resides to this day.

These come with the baptisms, for there are two. One brings Christ, the other, His Presence upon and in and with you, henceforth forever and ever. You no longer have to “come again” unless you HERE AM I!

    2. Why did you wait until now to close that portal under the Sphinx?

Appointed time. I don't work for Donnie I work for YHVH, the Most High. He chooses where and when. I am His instrument, as He wills, not I. I stopped doing what Donnie wants, back in 2005. Mostly.

Okay? It's better this way. He knows what's needed, when and where. How can we? Ever? Also this, and pay close attention. When functioning under His Will, there is no blow back, to you, ever, nor in any time or age to come. For you are acting under His Will, not yours.

When it's your will, well, good luck with that. I hope you understand the term, consequences, but you might just incur some rather severe ones. If you function from ignorance, that's one thing. But to intentionally, at this level, to plant your own flag instead of His, is simply...


And you have given it root in your life. Foolish, foolish. 
