Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Reading the signs of evil

Reading the signs of evil

Don Bradley Sivan 7

Going to break each of these down a little bit more. All I can report is based SOLELY on my own experiences in closing these sites down. Others may have something different about this kind of work; but I know who many of the real doers these people are, the real ones. There are very few able, skilled, and educated enough - with the Holy Spirit - to safely close portals without getting killed. As would have been my fate the first few hundred times.

  • That sense that something is off, usually the first tell or sign.

 This is easy, if you're the type of person whose soul is even slightly attune to the ephemeral aspects of reality. Most are, just don't know or have turned it off by materialistic pursuits. Pay attention to these subtle changes in your ever changing environment. Listen and watch; that's how that is developed. Ask our Father to help you.

  • The smell changes. From the usual scent of the area to musty, kind of stinky at times, rotten. 2nd tell. Getting deeper in. Possibly being drawn in.

It's by degrees. What you are smelling is the varying grades of demonics around you and anchored by a POWER (fallen angel). The nastier or greater degree of lowered frequency of the place, the fouler the smell; especially if unlawful blood was spilled.

  • Rake and witch sign. They all do it. It's there, if people watch their environments very carefully as they move into the area. 3rd.

Amazing how all these bigfoot researchers miss these signs and constantly so. Sure, anyone can trip over an obvious rake hide, but most of the small and subtle satanic clues - right in their face - they walk right by. I see it all the time on YT videos. They are going down a trail, all kinds of signage abouts, and they say and see nothing. Think of them as KEEP OUT signs; a lawful warning to the traveler they shouldn't be there and to continue forward is at their own soul's risk. Think about that a moment. Freewill. Ignore the signs, pay the penalty, very often. 

But that's not fair, you say. When you go to many countries in our world, most of the signage is either in a foreign language you do not speak and the use of symbols, you do not know. But ignore them, and you find yourselves shot, imprisoned, or killed, by ignoring the signs. Think of the middle and far east where frontiers are separated by a symbol on a chunk of old wood on a stick. Cross there and die it says, but that's not fair either?

We need, as a people, an education into the realities of the nephilim and their doings. Really. Think of all the countless lives that could be saved, not just in hiking and such, but in all areas of life. So many are deceived, as we once were, so long ago. All of us.

  • Silence. You are in the zone. WHY????

Unless you are there to do a great service, you shouldn't even be there. At all, ever. If you are there, it means you ignored the signs and are just a tourist who wants to see. Don't ever do anything like that again. Really. You have no idea the forces, powers, and principalities that awaken against you and your family once you do this. The idle curious are attracted to any light, even dark light, as a child is to a balloon. Is that you?

  • Close the portal, remove and burn any satanic items, and douse the zone with blessed water or oil.

Can a witch reopen it later? NO. If you do it correctly, they cannot. Ever. As I've and others have personally witnessed countless times, the site returns to normal and life appears again, including birds and all manner of things that are of His creation. 

Burn the items you find. Right then and there. These are hexed totems with demonic spirits attached. Never take anything from a portal or kill site HOME EVER. Just don't do it. The grief that follows - because you knowingly brought a hexed or cursed item through your own front door of your own freewill - can last months or years. First come the flies and the smells, then the banging on the walls. You don't want any of that in your life. I've made this mistake once, by bringing a book of shadows not in my house, but in the yard, to study and take pictures before destroying. The week it was here brought flies, etc. Destroy away from home.

  • GET OUT. 

Leave at once. The site may and probably does, have a caretaker. You may be protected, but some of your weaker brothers may not be so fortunate. Once you are ID'd they come for you. With a vengeance.

Again, let's be wise in the Holy Spirit about such things. Going in for a giggle and a lark is the worst motive possible and could get you and your weaker brothers killed. And they don't stop there, neither. You will be vexed by demonic spirits ALL YOUR LIFE. Only the Most High Spirit of the Comforter can protect you; but expect going forward, endless attacks and grief.

Just today, while out to get lunch, I was road raged by a stranger on highway 150. I rebuked their demons and bound them and then called down the Holy Fire upon them. They skidded off the side of the road and the road curved; never saw them again today. This is normal. I usually get braced, in public, a few times a week, by stone cold killers. To test their courage, who knows what. But I am warned even before I see them, this is coming. And sure enough, when they make their move ten minutes later, no surprise.

No fear either. No need. He protects. I should have been dead 30 years ago.

Be strong in the spirit.

If you are out hiking for a nice day, take friends. But also, listen and observe, like a combat soldier does. It will save your life. Especially in these LATTER DAYS.


What I do at every sunset. Lift my heart and soul in grateful Love to Dad and Yeshua and the Host of Heaven.