Monday, June 6, 2022

Ritual Magic, Mind Control and the UFO Phenomenon 2


Of the various cottage industries that have emerged from the field of conspiracy theory, the Montauk Project is perhaps one of the more bizarre, its mythology a veritable smorgasbord of paranormal conspiracies and "comic book metaphysics", as Disinformation's Richard Metzger has so aptly termed it. Time travel, mind control, quantum physics, weather modification, teleportation, suppressed technologies, and gray alien hijynx merely scratch the surreal surface behind the many mind-blowing scenarios detailed in the numerous books authored by Montauk fraternity, such as "The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time," "Montauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity," and "The Black Sun: Montauk's Nazi-Tibetan Connection". To the casual observer, the Montauk Project appears to be a hodge-podge of many diverse disciplines, much of which would be considered by the mainstream as "crank science." Take a little Wilhelm Reich, sprinkle it with Nikola Tesla, then add a dose of Aleister Crowley, and what you end up with is one magnificent mindfuck that goes off on so many tangents and arcane avenues that the mind boggles, either discounting this entire sordid tale, or conversely becoming so caught up and confused in this cosmic conundrum that the Montauk mythos becomes the focal point in their lives.

As legend has it, this whole weird tale began towards the end of World War II, an alleged result of the U.S. Government's top-secret Rainbow Project. According to varied sources, the initial goal of The Rainbow Project was to make a ship — specifically the USS Eldridge — undetectable by radar. Such endeavors as The Rainbow Project were quite obviously a precursor to future stealth fighter craft technology, or in the parlance of Star Trek, a "cloaking device." Although the experiment was allegedly successful in causing the Eldridge to disappear from the Philadelphia Naval Yard, it also had some bizarre side effects that took the project from out of the realms of hard science and tossed it haphazardly into a raging sea of high weirdness. For you see, not only was the ship made invisible to the naked eye, but it also produced an unexpected consequence, in that it teleported the Eldridge and its passengers straight out of the space-time continuum, and into the Void. Shortly thereafter, the ship reappeared a hundred miles away, in Norfolk, Virginia. It was then transported back again to the Philly Naval Yard where some crew members were terminally planted into the bulkhead of the ship. Those who survived the ordeal entered into a state of madness and terror, totally freaked-out by the events that had occurred. The Rainbow Project — after its somewhat successful and equally ill-fated physical vanishing of the USS Eldridge — continued on after the 1940's, conducting covert experiments under the shadowy umbrella of U.S. Government Black Ops. This all presumably culminated in 1983 at a decommissioned Air Force station at Montauk Point when a hole was literally ripped through the space-time continuum. The end result of this Rainbow/Montauk technology was the creation of an alternate reality vortex. The Montauk Project is also referred to as The Phoenix Project, but to avoid any further confusion, we'll refer to it from here on out exclusively as The Montauk Project.

The Rainbow Project — which in recent times has become more popularly known as The Philadelphia Experiment — has been the subject of both a book and movie of the same name. "The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility" was co-authored by Charles Berlitz and William "Bill" Moore, a somewhat curious figure in the annals of UFO research. Long story short, Moore was intimately involved in the fabled Paul Bennewitz affair, and has been dubbed by many in U-Fool-ology as a disinformation agent, not only in regards to the aforementioned case concerning Paul Bennewitz and the Dulce underground base, but as well for his role in "uncovering" the infamous MJ-12 documents. For those unfamiliar with these respective cases, a simple web search on either Paul Bennewitz or MJ-12 will no doubt turn up a wealth of information — or disinformation, as the case may be. Such as it is, Mr. Moore's research into these areas should at least be taken with a grain of salt. It's the present author's opinion that disinformation scams (such as Alternative 3, MJ-12, etc.) have, more likely than not, been used to discredit serious research into such topics as mind control, hidden technologies, UFO's and covert Black Ops. What I'm suggesting is that there may be a certain amount of truth surrounding the Montauk case, but a means of obscuring and distorting truth can sometimes be accomplished by releasing spurious stories that do indeed contain within them a measure of truth, but are also so thoroughly littered with red herrings that sincere researchers are diverted off course, and the theory itself becomes so muddied with misinformation that it's hard to take it seriously at all, as such seems to be the case in regards to much of the Project Montauk mythos. But anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself…

In regards to the producer of The Philadelphia Experiment movie, an even greater curiosity abounds. According to the official scribe for the Montauk investigation, Peter Moon, the actor Mark Hamill — who played Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars Trilogy — is the actual producer of the film, though he chooses to keep this fact hidden from the public. It has been hinted at by Moon that a gentleman named Mark Knight (aka Mark Hamill) was a childhood friend of Montauk experiencer Preston Nichols, and that Hamill was instrumental in securing work for Nichols as a sound engineer on The Empire Strikes Back. It should also be noted that Hamill's father was an officer with Naval Intelligence, an agency long rumored to be mired in mind control conspiracies and assorted covert operations, one of which was, allegedly, the Montauk Project. Furthermore, Moon contends that Mark Hamill worked at Montauk during its halcyon days of time travel shenanigans and mind control meddlings.

Curiouser and curiouser…

For the average Jane and Joe — whose ideas about alternate dimensions come directly from the rental of an occasional sci-fi flick — The Philadelphia Experiment remains naught but a fictional flight of fancy, although researchers — many of them Montauk alumni — claim to have in their possession actual documents verifying the existence of the project! In fact, on the covers of many a Montauk book, it's boldly advertised that the book series, "Goes beyond science fiction." In other words, beyond the point of believability. What I do find refreshing, though, is that the likes of Preston Nichols, Al Bielek, et al, flatly state that they're not trying to prove anything in particular, but are simply presenting the facts as they perceive them, and it's up to the rest of us to derive some meaning from all this Montaukian madness. (Or write it all off as mere delusion — or out and out disinformation.) In a sense, this is the same ontological approach of such pioneers of quantum physics and consciousness exploration as Robert Anton Wilson, who adopt a philosophy of perceiving reality as an ever-changing façade which we as humans must interpret, then translate to fit into our own particular reality tunnels or world views. Or failing that, take the approach that all life is indeed Maya, much like a Philip K. Dick novel where you never know from one instant to the next if the ground is going to fall out from under your feet. For those who have extensively studied the occult and/or taken trips down psychedelic highways and byways, it quickly becomes evident that physical reality is merely one way to skin an ontological cat, so to simply rule out the seemingly far-out assertions of Al Bielek and Preston Nichols is a little short sighted in this author's opinion, though on the same token I'd be leery of buying a used time machine from either one of these gentlemen.

Preston Nichols — one of the key players in the Montauk story — was an apparent unwitting participant in the project, who years after the fact discovered his actual involvement in matters Montaukian. Since that time he has been sharing his strange story through lectures, books and videos. For those unfamiliar with the man, Nichols cuts a quite memorable swath — to say the least. One part Jabba the Hutt and the other part some sort of psychic super hero/electronic genius with an unnatural fondness for virile young men. (Not that there's anything wrong with that!) Nichols — a veritable high-tech wizard — has his own version of the Mystery Machine in the form of a retired and renovated school bus, or as he calls it, his "Montauk Investigation vehicle." Preston's bus is filled to the brim with all sorts of gadgets and gizmos he allegedly salvaged from the secret Montauk site. Not only has Nichols been instrumental in bringing the Montauk Project story to a mass audience, but he has also played a pivotal role in deprogramming several Montaukian mind controlled subjects, more commonly known as the Montauk Boys, a slew of young men with Aryan characteristics, who had been covertly recruited into the Montauk mind control project. The ulterior motive behind this phase of the project was to create a blond-haired, blue-eyed bloodline of future rulers of the earth, thus bringing forth The New World Order.

During their original programming, the Montauk Boys were entranced via some sort of MK-ULTRA/psychosexual programming. For those unfamiliar with MK-ULTRA, it was the CIA's covert mind control project. Started in 1953 under a program that was exempt from congressional oversight, MK-ULTRA agents and "spychiatrists" tested radiation, electric shock, microwaves, and electrode implants on unwitting subjects. Other intelligence agencies — such as the NSA and Naval Intelligence — were also involved in such covert experimentation, and it's quite likely that the Montauk Project was a continuation of same. It has also been documented that Nazi doctors — covertly imported into the US after World War II — were instrumental in the early years of the MK-ULTRA project, as much of the early research into mind control was conducted on concentration camp victims by the likes of Joseph Mengele, and other notorious Nazi doctors. Apparently, this legacy was continued in an underground facility at Montauk.

Back in the 1970's — according to Peter Moon — the Montauk group became interested in programming children. The story gets even wackier when gray aliens become part of the lore, reportedly kidnapping around fifty children and delivering them to Montauk for these experiments.

In regards to Preston Nichol's deprogramming of the Montauk Boys, this was supposedly accomplished by masturbating these young men in concert with radionics. The method behind this madness — according to Preston Nichols and associates — suggests that in order to deprogram the Montauk Boys, they first had to be taken into the same trance state in which they were originally programmed. Once there, Nichols would then be able to undo the previous programming by using similar mind control tactics, which included tantric message, and certain other unspecified "Reichian Techniques." Some would suggest that all of this Montaukian madness is simply a cover on the part of Preston Nichols for homo erotic perversions, though whether or not he was actually getting his jollies jerking off the Montauk Boys is purely a matter of speculation. Admittedly, I'm not all too familiar with "Reichian Therapy" except that it apparently falls in line with Dr. Wilhelm Reich's overall worldview that the basic fundamental energy pumping life into the cosmos is the sex drive, and that this energy is defined in Reichian terms as "Orgone Energy." Part of Reich's therapy (if I'm not mistaken) had to do with removing the layers of psychic armoring that turns large segments of humankind into a bunch of repressed and uptight, sexually dysfunctional tight-asses. It must be understood that the intent of Reich's various therapies was not so much to control minds, as it was to set them free, but apparently Montaukian mind controllers took certain elements of these "Reichian therapies" and used them in a manner that Reich had not originally intended.

For those not in the know, Wilhelm Reich was a one time student of Sigmund Freud, who went on to establish his own name in the fields of psychology, science and alternative heath. Father of the "Orgone Box", he was later persecuted by the FDA as some sort of sexually deviant quack. Many of his published materials were subsequently burned via Gestapo-like tactics by FDA officials, and because of his controversial research, Reich was unjustly imprisoned. A common perception of Reich supporters is that he was railroaded into prison as a means the government used to suppress his alternative health cures and controversial research into such subjects as UFO's. Shortly after his imprisonment in the late 50's, Reich died of a heart attack in jail, although he was not known previously to have had any heart problems. Some subscribe his premature death to a conspiracy. If such was the case, it evidently succeeded.

In regards to UFO's, Reich had some rather odd ideas. His perspective was that UFO's were not so much actual nuts and bolts craft, as they were some sort of spectral space critters; interdimensional amoeba undulating through the known universe for unknown reasons. And if I haven't already cluttered your head up enough with this deluge of diverse and possibly delusional info, Reich was also of the opinion that UFO's were powered by Orgone Energy, the aforementioned fundamental cosmic power source of the Universe. Seems that these Reichian perceived UFO-nauts had somehow tapped into the Orgone Energy grid of Earth, sucked up vast quantities of said substance, then spat out a form of exhaust that Reich referred to as Deadly Orgone (DOR). DOR — Reich contended — was quickly destroying the environment. In response, Reich developed what came to be known in the annals of "fringe science" as the "Cloudbuster", which was basically a space gun that could be aimed directly at UFO's and cause them to disappear. The Cloudbuster also had the power to purportedly seed clouds with rain. Many thought Reich completely off his rocker in regards to his UFO studies, although for some reason the U.S. Air Force was quite interested in his research. As those who get deep into the Montauk story know, Reich is another famous name that comes up often in these discussions, as it appears his research is quite instrumental to the unfolding Montauk mythos.

Perhaps the most important piece of apparatus in this whole jumbled mess was the legendary "Montauk Chair" upon which Duncan Cameron sat and radiated his psychic powers with the intent of creating artificial reality vortexes. The ultimate purpose of these experiments was to not only alter physical reality, but to alter as well the mental landscape of all humankind. The chair itself — so states Preston Nichols — was developed in the 1950's with "sensor technology" that could display a person's thoughts, and was in essence a mind-reading machine. This device operated on the principle of tuning into the electromagnetic fields of human beings and translating their ethereal or Orgone Energy into a tangible form, ala thought-into-matter. The object in question, which accomplished this daunting task, was the aforementioned "Chair." This is where Duncan Cameron would sit, his head blazing like a psychic furnace, and paint a mental landscape of the gods. It was in this regard that Duncan himself, it has been said, became likened unto a god. To make the legend even more abstruse, the Montauk bunch claims that beings from the Sirius star system are also tangled up in this convoluted tale. Apparently, the Sirians provided the basic design, and then Montauk scientists took those original blueprints and developed The Chair. The Chair, in turn, was hooked into a complex grid of computers and amplifiers. Eventually The Chair (which, in appearance, was not unlike a Lay- z- Boy lounger) was fine-tuned to the point where a person could visualize something and a 3D image of those thought-forms would appear on a computer monitor, and then could be printed out. But it's only when Duncan Cameron came into the picture that things really started getting carried away. In a deep psychic trance state, Cameron was able to visualize a solid object and actually make it appear from out of nowhere. This was accomplished via an amplifier that would transmit a matrix, and then build up enough power to materialize whatever Cameron mentally cooked up, under the direction of his Montauk handlers. As indicated, Cameron took part in these experiments in an altered state of consciousness. In this regard, agents of the CIA and/or NSA — under the auspices of MK-ULTRA funded experiments — had given Cameron special training. The emphasis of this programming focused on diverting the mind through sexual bliss. It was then that the "primitive mind" would surface, as the individual — in this case, Mr. Duncan Cameron — would be transferred into an "orgasmic trance" state. His primitive mind — now at the disposal of nefarious Montauk operatives — would then become extremely suggestible, and therefore controllable. In time — through the use of The Chair — it was eventually discovered that Cameron had the power to bend time, thus creating vortexes, or time portals, not unlike the concept from the old TV series, Time Tunnel. In fact, those who have actually traveled through this time portal have described it like a spiral, such as that found in the aforementioned television series. Anyway, when Cameron would envision certain alternate realities in past and future time, the vortex could then be copied to the hard drive of Montauk computers. These experiments eventually led to a project with the express purpose of opening a time door to the USS Eldridge in 1943. All of this high-tech time travel tinkering is what allegedly sucked such players as Duncan Cameron and Al Bielek into the Montauk vortex. Bielek, for instance — in another incarnation as Duncan Cameron's brother, Edward — was a member of the crew on board the USS Eldridge, and because of his involvement with the Montauk Project has been jettisoned willy-nilly back and forth in time repeatedly, in the process leaving one's body behind and assuming another. But once again we're getting ahead of ourselves — or behind ourselves, depending on where you are currently residing in the space-time continuum…

Montauk Project participants (one of whom was Preston Nichols, although Nichols himself wasn't aware of this until after the fact because he'd been mind-controlled in such a Montaukian manner that he was actually living on two separate time tracks!) were given the directive on August 5th, 1983 to turn on the transmitter and let run it non-stop. At first, nothing out of the ordinary happened. Then, on August 12th, the equipment apparently dropped into synch with the USS Eldridge, which suddenly appeared on the other end of the time portal. It was at this juncture, that the Duncan Cameron from 1943 (who was an earlier incarnation of the present day Duncan Cameron) appeared in the time portal along with his brother, who in present day earth is non-other than Al Bielek. (Confused yet???) It seems that the past tense Duncan and Edward had tried to sabotage the Philadelphia Experiment by shutting down the equipment aboard the Eldridge, but found this to be an impossible task as it was all linked through time to the generator at Montauk. (Don't ask me to explain that one, either!) Determining that it was unsafe to remain aboard the ship, they decided to jump overboard to free themselves from the electromagnetic field surrounding it. Upon so doing, the Brother's Cameron were pulled through a time tunnel and on to dry ground, materializing at Montauk on August 12th, 1983! If you've been able to follow this thread thus far, I applaud you, as this whole story is naught but an endless maze that transports us back and forth through time, out of one crazy portal and into another. Like I said before: a true-to-life PKD novel, that may or may not have actually happened in one dimension or another. When the Cameron brothers arrived in 1983, they were then recruited into The Montauk Project, and subsequently used in various time travel missions by Montauk operatives. As stated before, Duncan and Edward Cameron have now assumed new bodies. Duncan Cameron still goes by the same name, but Edward Cameron is now known as Al Bielek. But don't worry yourself trying to remember all these details, as I doubt this will ever be a question on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

Preston Nichols — aware of the fact that if the future Duncan Cameron on one end of the time portal saw the past Duncan on the other side of the portal, this would lead to some sort of time paradox/reality shift with decidedly disastrous results — hatched a plan with some of his Montauk colleagues to sabotage the whole bleeping project. Of course, without the covert participation of Duncan Cameron, this whole daring plot would've never come off and we'd all probably be living in an alternative reality right now and not even know it! Whatever the case, somehow they managed to convince Duncan Cameron that the Montauk Project was coming undone, and that his help would be crucial in righting the ship that had gone astray, namely the USS Eldridge. This plan was put into effect — when on dramatic cue — one of the Montauk renegades walked up to Duncan in The Chair and whispered: "The time is now." At that precise moment, Duncan let loose a monster from his subconscious that took form and put a big wallop on the entire Montauk Project operation, bringing it to a sudden and cataclysmic end. The monstrosity in question was a big, hulking beast, "hairy, hungry, and nasty", to quote the inimitable Preston Nichols, no master of understatement. In The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time, Preston Nichols goes on to say that "…after the bizarre occurrences of August 12, 1983, the Montauk base was virtually emptied. The power was restored, but lights were left off with everything in disarray. Most of the personnel were eventually rounded up, debriefed and brainwashed accordingly…after the events of August 12th, the Montauk Air Force Base was abandoned. By the end of the year, there was no knowledge of anyone being on the base."

During the course of all this — before the Montauk time portal closed — Duncan, who by now had traveled back and forth in time on numerous occasions, returned to the Montauk of 1983, while his brother Edward remained in 1943. (Now, I don't quite follow all of this myself, but let's not worry too much about the details at the moment, or we'll all go mad!) At this point, it was discovered that Duncan's body was dying, and that he was rapidly aging due to his involvement in all these Montaukian time travel shenanigans. Somehow, Montauk scientists were able to copy Duncan Cameron's "electromagnetic signature" and transfer it to a new body. To make this operation a reality, Duncan Cameron, Sr. — a mysterious figure himself in the lore of Montauk and Naval Intelligence — was contacted by high Montauk mucky-mucks, who traveled back in time and persuaded the elder Cameron to sire a son. It was this child, Duncan Cameron Jr., who was imprinted with the "electromagnetic signature" of the dying Duncan Cameron from the future. So, in this case, the question begs to be asked: Who came first, the chicken or the egg? The Duncan Cameron body swap is just one more in a long line of time travel conundrums that litter the pages of the Montauk book series, and sets the reader's head a-swimming through a maze of reality shifts and time travel mind-trips. In regards to Al Bielek's body swap, Bielek states that age regression techniques were used to place Edward Cameron (that's who Al Bielek was in his previous existence) into a body in the Bielek Family. (For those of you keeping score at home, you might as well give up, 'cause it all gets even kookier from here…)

Recently, I heard Bielek on the Coast To Coast radio program with Mike Siegel, speaking his oft repeated Montaukian mantra about how he'd been Edward Cameron in a previous life upon the USS Eldridge, as well as the standard version of the Philadelphia Experiment story as presented in the books of Nichols and Moon. During this program, a caller to the show stated that he — as well — has been a crew member aboard the Eldridge during the Philadelphia Experiment time period. The caller in question stated that he didn't remember doodley squat regarding Bielek's astounding claims that the USS Eldridge had been blasted straight out of the space-time continuum and into hyperspace. In response, Bielek didn't really address the matter, but if he had the argument no doubt presented would have been to the effect that this call-in crew member had probably been brain-washed, and that his memories of the Philadelphia Experiment wiped clean by Montauk operatives, which seems to be the party line espoused by the likes of Bielek, Nichols, et al. when someone comes forth testifying to have been on the Eldridge during the Philadelphia Experiment, and that nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

Another convenient argument — offered up by Montauk experiencer Glenn Pruitt — is that the reason the Montauk Project is so difficult to prove, is because it all transpired in an alternate dimension, which many observers could construe as a cop-out, because how the hell are you gonna prove an alternate dimension????? Of course, proving all these far-flung assertions is like wrestling one's way out of a Chinese finger trap: the more you struggle to make sense of this miasma of muddled mysticism and myriad madness, the more lost you become in a Montaukian maze.

But as much as the Montauk Mythos seems naught — to many observers — but a pile of happy horseshit, it continues to attract serious researchers and spiritual searchers into its endless stream of mysteries. As Montaukian Investigator/Experiencer Chica Bruce related to me: "What I've come away with is that everything is true and that nothing is true… Any story (not just about Montauk - EVERY story) is ultimately irrelevant and useless to me outside of what it can teach me about Creation and the empowerment of humans via insights about how reality works. To this end, the study of the wacky world of Montauk has been extremely useful…

“It is cosmically humorous to me that a story so full of seemingly deranged allegations does contain many valuable, penetrating truths about consciousness and the nature of reality. The Montauk mythos is repugnant to current consensus world-views and it puts off mentalities that are fundamentally invested in conforming with the hegemony.

Those who feel a need to bash the Montauk story are failing to understand what it is really about and are revealing their unflagging allegiance to certain stodgy mind patterns and core beliefs…”

A reoccurring claim of Montauk experiencers is that advanced mind control experimentation has been perpetrated not only upon themselves, but also the local townspeople of Long Island, New Jersey, upstate New York and Connecticut, beamed from the infamous transmitter tower at Montauk. This is what is more commonly known as the art and science of psychotronics, and specifically — as regards the Montauk Project — the transmission of UHF/microwave energy through the atmosphere, ostensibly bombarding the beleaguered brains of unwitting subjects, not to mention various and sundry indigenous animals — domestic and wild — that have been reported going berserk upon occasion and running amok through the town of Montauk.

One of the Montauk Project psychotronic subjects in question was none other than super-psychic Duncan Cameron. By using psychotronics in concert with Duncan's surreal psychic abilities, Montauk scientists were somehow able to intensify his powers vis-à-vis the creation of alternate reality vortexes, if you follow my drift. (Yes, this all gets quite convoluted, and takes an enormous suspension of belief if we are to take seriously even a small portion of the mighty Montauk mythos...) This psychotronic experimentation consisted of operating the Montauk transmitter at different pulse widths, different pulse rates, and varying frequencies. The ultimate goal behind all of these fantastic fiddlings was to see how brain waves could be changed and entrained, whether it be controlling a super psychic like Duncan Cameron to create the aforementioned alternate reality vortexes used as time travel portals, or the ability to generate transmissions that could change people's moods, and cause agitation. What we're describing here could be classified as non-lethal weaponry, though I've heard disturbing reports from my colleagues in the mind control research community that microwave transmissions of a certain frequency could potentially boil someone's brain into oblivion, which certainly qualifies as something quite "lethal", as opposed to "non." The ultimate goal of all this bad craziness is total control of the human species, which apparently is what the Montauk Project was all about. Other uses for these microwave-boosted transmissions include the ability to focus on a car and stop all electrical functioning. This, of course, is the same effect commonly reported in UFO sightings and attributed to alien craft. Once again this illustrates how high tech black ops can be used to replicate a so-called alien encounter. As Dr. Michael Persinger has demonstrated, certain frequencies approximate the alien abduction phenomenon in the brains of human beings. So perhaps the entire Montauk Project is exactly that: an MK-ULTRA mindfuck designed to mess with the mass mind of humanity to see how far it can push the general populace towards complete and utter lunacy. It has also been suggested that certain forms of electromagnetic waves can affect weather patterns from great distances. This could explain the strange summer snows that have visited the town of Montauk in past years.

One of the most visible critics exposing the use of covert technologies of this type is Col. Tom Beardon. A former military intelligence officer, Beardon at one time published Specula, a magazine devoted to "psychotronics" and "bio-energetics." In the mid 80's, Bill Jenkins hosted a radio program on A.M. KFI in Los Angeles, which — on a weekly basis — dealt with subjects of the paranormal. The first time I tuned into Jenkin's show his guest was none other than Col. Beardon, who spoke of a mysterious "woodpecker" signal, which during that era had become quite the hot topic among ham operators around the world. The so-called "woodpecker" signal could be replicated by tapping a pencil on a table between eight and fourteen times each second. Beardon claimed this signal emanated from the Soviet Union which had been traced to an alleged "Tesla Generator" in the cities of Riga and Gomel, and that the "woodpecker" signal was responsible for weather modification wars covertly waged upon an unsuspecting United States citizenry by the wily and unscrupulous Russians. These manipulations of U.S. weather patterns created a drought in the western states, which in turn caused severe effects on farming and the economy in 1976, the same year the infamous "woodpecker" signal was first discovered.

It has been suggested that weather modification and mind control is the driving force behind the mysterious Project HAARP, which likewise is said to have originated from the brilliant mind of Nikola Tesla. This also falls in line with certain Montaukian mythologies, as The Montauk Project has been allegedly involved — to a certain extent — in weather modification using technology similar to both the HAARP Project, as well as Wilhelm Reich's "Cloudbuster." Tesla, so states the Montauk crowd, was the main man behind the first phase of The Philadelphia Project, but later bowed out of the experiment when he witnessed its deleterious side effects, and the direction the overall project was heading. Tesla also claimed contact with aliens, and that they were responsible for passing on certain knowledge that helped with his inventions, much in the same fashion as Montauk scientists supposedly received guidance form extraterrestrials concerning "The Chair."

One apparent goal of the Montauk Project was to send military operatives back in time to alter historical events, allowing the Montauk Group to hold the future hostage; to manipulate it for their own nefarious means, thus manipulating reality. (Chica Bruce refers to these exploits as "high tech Black Magic.") This notion has been seconded by Montauk experiencer Stewart Swerdlow, who — after attending a Preston Nichols lecture some years ago — experienced the sudden resurfacing of suppressed memories regarding the Montauk Project. Among other wild and woolly claims, Swerdlow says he was sent through the Montauk time portal packin' a pistol, on a mission to blow Jesus Christ to Kingdom Come. But when Jesus materialized in old town Jerusalem — and came sauntering down the steps of the temple all beatific and such — Swerdlow got cold feet and opted not to pull the trigger. (Perhaps the thought of burning in Hell for all eternity had something to do with his decision!) Later, Swerdlow was sent back in time again, and on the next occasion encountered Christ on the cross. On this occasion, Swerdlow was charged with the mission of extracting vials of holy blood from the crucified Messiah and, in the course of events, was apparently successful in this endeavor. The whole motivation behind this madcap Montaukian scheme was to clone the holy blood of Christ and then shoot psychic superstar Duncan Cameron up with it. Then — according to the Montauk Project game plan — the medical community would test Cameron's blood against the DNA residue on the Shroud of Turin, which would unanimously confirm the revelation of Christ's Second Coming. As a result of this psychic vampirism, humanity would then fall to its knees and worship this pseudo Christ, Duncan Cameron, the second only begotten Son of God! The ulterior motive behind all these blasphemies was to create the actual anti-Christ, thus ushering in a New World Order. (Now, why anyone would want to do that is beyond me!)

To mystify this subject even more, Peter Moon believes there is a strong occult connection to The Montauk Project, mainly in the form of Aleister Crowley, who Moon suggests was manipulating reality way back in the early part of the 20th century, traveling backwards and forwards in time "through a purely magical basis." The apparent reason Crowley was able to so freely time travel was due to the fact that he wasn't locked into any dimension or illusion of reality. A master of many mystical disciplines and secret schools, Moon believes that Crowley was able — through his Will-To-Power — to jettison himself literally through time and space, and into other dimensions, which is a really cool thing, if you think about it. But also, one must possess a very strong and disciplined intellect to be able to subject oneself to such paradigm shifting adventures without going stark, raving bonkers. Perhaps Aleister Crowley was just the man to fit the bill. Or perhaps it's all a crock of horse water…

During the summer of 1918, Crowley took a "magical retirement" to Montauk Point, the specifics of which remain obscured to this day, although Peter Moon suspects that his visit there was related to the future freaky developments associated with the Montauk Project. In Montauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity, Moon alludes to the possibility that Uncle Al may have been "creating worm holes from the physical realm to other realities and back again", and that the "bizarre manipulations at Montauk and in Philadelphia could have been elaborate physical deployments at the behest of simply one very powerful magician." In the opinion of one Montauk insider, Crowley is seen as a "wild joker who was romping around and having a good time without regard to how it might affect us." Moon recognizes this joker archetype as "The Fool" from the Tarot deck and comments that: "This is the wild creative impulse that started the whole universe. It is the force that creates will-nilly, on whim and without regard to consequences…" Crowley mentions in his Magical Diaries that he picked up an odd colony of blisters during his stay on Montauk, and that they remained with him for five years. Whether these were attributable to some strange paranormal Montaukian event is unknown.

A former (and possibly practicing) Scientologist, Peter Moon makes no bones about the vital influence he feels L. Ron Hubbard had upon these multifarious Montaukian mysteries. As noted in part one of this series, Hubbard was intimately involved with Crowleyan protégé Jack Parsons in a magical endeavor called The Babalon Working. According to those partial to a Montaukian worldview, Parsons — with help of Hubbard and Parson's wife, Marjorie Cameron — succeeded in creating a fissure in the space time continuum, which was quite similar to the type of vortex associated with The Philadelphia Experiment: a doorway into another dimension. After the Babalon Working, UFO sightings began to be reported en masse, as if a Devil's Floodgate had been opened, and into the earth realm flew powers and demons from beyond, much like an H.P. Lovecraft tale , unleashed on an unsuspecting human populace.

In his Montaukian scenario, Peter Moon portrays Hubbard as a White Knight in a realm of high-tech black magicians; one of the "good guys" engaged in psychic warfare with malevolent mind controllers and rascally reality manipulators. Hubbard, it has been conjectured, was an agent of Naval Intelligence, and later claimed that he had infiltrated Parson's O.T.O. group on behalf of the government in order to break it up. Eventually, Hubbard would apparently have a falling out with his friends in high places, and in fact found himself at war with both the CIA and IRS. Much of his disharmony with these various governmental bodies had to do with L. Ron's objection to MK-ULTRA agents bent on warping the minds of humanity. Or, at least, that's the picture Peter Moon paints within the pages of the Montauk books.

Part of L.Ron Hubbard's ontology revolved around the assertion that inhabitants of Earth (that's you and me) were formerly space aliens some million billion years ago and that we are working out our complex karma here on terra firma until eventually we can arrive at that much-sought-after state of "Clear", which is likened unto "Cosmic Consciousness" in the parlance of the New Age crowd. From all appearances, certain aspects of The Montauk Project mythos seems to be a continuance of Hubbard's psychotronic space opera.

Furthermore, Moon suggests that there exists a certain bloodline connected to the Cameron namesake, of which Hubbard is an apparent member. Among other members of this bloodline are — as would be expected — super psychic Duncan Cameron, and his immediate family. Add to this list Jack Parson's wife, Marjorie Cameron, as well as such evil mind control geniuses as Dr. Ewen Cameron of MK-ULTRA infamy, and what we have is a genetic-Cameron-code inherently adept at such practices as magick and interdimensional travel. Moon indicates that there's an ongoing battle of good and evil taking place within the Cameron bloodline, pitting the likes or a Ewen Cameron against an L. Ron Hubbard. Hubbard, it should be noted, was the only public figure to condemn the activities of Ewen Cameron during the late 60's, when Cameron was active on the MK-ULTRA front, prescribing such treatments as "psychic driving" for his "patients."

Apparently, bloodlines such of these play a major role in what's going on behind the Montauk Project scenes, not only in regards to the Cameron connection but as well with the aforementioned Montauk Boys, who were allegedly selected for experimentation due to their unique genetic qualities.