Saturday, June 25, 2022

Witches serve the beast, eat children and drink their blood

She is telling it real. Was a time we killed the witch, now they sit in the White House.

Her coven suffers if satan can't slake his lust of child blood.

 The covens seethed and groaned for late term abortion and got their way.

Why are ALL THE ABORTION PROTESTS organized by Jewish/Edomite women. Remember, if abortion really benefited white people, they wouldn't insist upon it.

Herring isn't yet a human, she's nephilim. An ugly, nasty edomite witch. She was being ironic.

The stench was so bad today....

No wonder the rest of the world looks at this country and just shakes its head.

These moms protect their young; nephilim edomites murder the baby and drink its blood.