Monday, July 11, 2022

Scientology offices closure

Scientology offices closure

Don Bradley Tamuz 10

July 11, 2022

In 2020 on the witches sabbath of Imbolc, the Scientology office was opened as near to the crossroads and beach here in Ventura. Place must of cost millions.

Last March of this year, I was at a local eatery (the red roof across the freeway in the above pic) waiting in line when the Holy Spirit moved upon me. My right arm shot out—much to my surprise—palm toward the black ugly building of death and satanism and I blurted out the sacred words. Fire, power, everything poured through me. That has never happened to me before. By the time I realized what was happening, it was already over, taking about 20 seconds.

I caught my breath and looked up again at the building. Everything seemed the same, no outward visible sign of anything; a couple of dozen cars in the parking lot.

Since that time, its been abandoned. No one ever goes there; weeds growing in the parking lot, like that. This is what happens when the Holy Spirit moves within us and reclaims the land and space to its rightful owner, YHVH. This is what happens when Satan gets bish slapped, as they say in modern parlance.

I drive by it every week. There are never any cars there. At first they had one security car there, obviously a badge and suit at the front desk, but never any other cars. Obviously, after posting this, I'm sure they'll plant some cars there to make the place look busy. But four months later—and I went by there again this morning—nothing but knee high weeds and trash in the parking lot. This is an unloved place now.

After being open for only 2 years, in multi million dollar beach front real estate.

And why?

Because each of these scientology buildings are initiated with human sacrifice and blood spilling. People get mind control there; and end up becoming field assets for the CIA and other other agencies, worldwide. These are dens of evil.

Father says scientologists are worse than Edomites, if such a thing is possible.

Okay then.

The horror stories of scientology victims filled the old legacy internet that exists no more. Countless thousands of stories of survivors and the witchcraft and mind control that they are. Ask yourself, why PAINT ALL YOUR BUILDINGS BLACK AS NIGHT? For they do. All new construction is black on black.

The answer is, it matches the color of their souls.

Luke 9

23And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. 

24For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.