Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Why did all the abortion protests stop?

Can't find anything anywhere online. It's like a giant switch was flipped all over.

If anyone has a real moloch murder festival going on today, send me the link to it IN REAL TIME, see for myself. Not a site with a bunch of cobbled up clips faked to look like something is happening, because I WILL KNOW.

What? No more screaming harpies?

C'mon phreaks, don't you want the hand of judgment, too? Everyone's doing it. Now that the temples are kaput, it's time to mete justice to the priestesses themselves. If they protest for more murder. I know you Edomites, who arrange this stuff anyways, want this badly, so go ahead and throw down bigly somewhere today. Let me know about it.


Me love you long time.