Thursday, August 25, 2022



Don Bradley

It amazes that this much detail about the dark side is on Wikilies. But, on second thoughts, it fits the times we live in, end of days.

When Dad said "we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with principalities and powers, rulers in high places..." He was referring to this hierarchy of demons of which every human soul on Earth struggles against in their life. Most think it is everything but this truth. In fact, the satanic network created shrinks and "counselors" just to make sure this avenue of reality was never, ever investigated and if brought up, mocked and laughed off as a bunch of superstitious nonsense, knowing themselves that this truth must remain hidden (people do not read their bibles) for their efforts to succeed as well as it has in the last 70 years.

Explains why Psychiatry and Analysis was invented by an Edomite and is populated by Edomites to the tune of over 95%. Also, the APA was started by the CIA and has had a CIA controller at the head of that group ever since.

There is a massive hierarchy of demons, setup up as an inverted mirror of our Father's other family, the choirs of angels in heaven. Their one mandate by Satan is to corrupt humanity so that by their own hand they destroy themselves with their own freewill as their only thing to do. In that, they are successful, for humanity is blind to this army of evil that preys upon their subconscious mind every minute of every day and only the Holy Spirit provided by Yeshua can one be saved from this onslaught.

And these are just some of the top demons. Not counting the millions of nephilim legions, witches, and black magi that have moved into the demonic realm, from the human family. It literally is an astral sea of evil.
It's what I do battle with every single day of my life; or at least since 1986.

Archdemons are described as the leaders of demonic hosts, just as archangels lead choirs of angels. Based upon the writings of Saint Paul (Col. 1:16; Eph. 1:21) the angelic court had been constructed by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite and comprised nine orders of angels with three orders each to three hierarchies.

The First Hierarchy consists of: SeraphimCherubim and Thrones. The Second Hierarchy consists of: Dominations, Virtues and Powers. The Third Hierarchy consists of: Principalities, Archangels and Angels. This system of classifying angels has been accepted by the majority of Christian scholars. However, no similar consensus has been reached on the classification of demons. This is largely due to the fact that, historically, the definition of what an archdemon is and the names of those demons has varied greatly over time.

Wiki doesn't break down the arrangement much that is of value, just the more outwardly known devils. 

One common medieval classification associate the seven deadly sins with archdemons:[2]

Very often, I state in articles that in doing battle with a demon, I try to first learn of its particular blasphemy. You see, each demon - high or low - is imbued with one or more spiritual blasphemies to the Most High Adonai, YHVH. This can be seen in the list above; for it so demonstrates what I've been on about, regarding this. Each blasphemy is 

  • an actual frequency, 
  • tied to a particular etheric center along the spine, 
  • and is called into and activated by any corruption associated with that center 

and therefore, the demon so related to that sin or error. Such as in lust. The more different types of sins engaged in, reveals different demons attached to different centers. 

The above explains WHY a single person can have a literal horde of demons attached to them. The more demons, the more and different types of sins/errors a person has fallen under. This reveals also why the water baptism is so very important to the newly saved soul; it closes, cleanses, and heals those centers so that the fresh start that was promised can be given over. Happily.

In the Occult tradition, there is controversy regarding which demons should be classed as archdemons. During different ages, some demons were historically "promoted" to archdemons, others were completely forgotten, and new ones were created. In ancient Jewish lore, many of the pagan gods of neighboring cultures were identified as extremely pernicious demons in order to prevent Jews from worshiping them.

Therefore, the pagan deity Ba'al was reinterpreted as the archdemon Baal or Beelzebub, and the pagan deity Astarte was reinterpreted as the archdemon Astaroth. These two in particular were seen as some of the worst enemies of God

The Lesser Key of Solomon, an anonymous 17th century grimoire, lists 72 of the most powerful and prominent demons of Hell in its first part, the Ars Goetia. Satan himself is not mentioned among them considering his overall dominion of Hell as the Prince of Darkness. Below him, The Ars Goetia suggests, are the four kings of the cardinal directions who have power over the seventy-two, next the kings, and onward with other demons with lower monarchic titles. The four kings of the cardinal directions are the primary point of contention between different editions and translations, and occultist writers. The common composition of the kings is: