Thursday, August 18, 2022

Understanding the Book of Revelations

Understanding the Book of Revelations

Don Bradley AV 20

August 18th 2022

The biggest problem I am told people have with understanding His Book of Revelations is in Expectations of Order. This was a dictation to John, given in a panoramic series of scenes, context, Yeshua in Narration, and Holy Words and Pronouncements of the Most High, while he was out of the body.

The only context we have is as its given. Intentionally so.

It is man who numbered and made categories of things. Chapter this precedes chapter that, and so on. It would be better understood as He told me in April of 2021.

Throw out all you know and have made as a construct in your mind of this volume.”

To this very day, the teachers of men try to make a linear progression of events, because of the final written order each passage, saying, or prophecy was written down then put in a kind of order. This is the first and last mistake.

The Book of Revelations is a non linear book. 7 does not necessarily precede 8 in reality. That's a written thing because we have since the days of Constantine, numbered, made chapters, and then made verses of a thing that was none, for nearly 400 years. There are natural intended groupings, which appear as it is read. But what eschatology researchers always start—and fail at the gate—is assigning a linear and orderly progression. Seals before Trumpets before Bowls. Every single timeline chart out there has failed in predicting ANY of this.


Once you get past the numbering, chapter and verse thing and hindrance, the book takes on a different form and can be seen correctly. Correct correlations appear that the numbering made invisible.

As with seeing spirit behind the form. The key is in looking at a picture at different sizes which reveal the layers in a what the eye receives and hence the spirit behind the form. A 5x8 picture of a tree reveals a scene; but at thumbnail size, the tree has a big smile on it. At different sizes, different things both become visible and also, disappear.

The Holy Word has this same quality of creation.

This is what He taught me, 17 years ago.

See with the eyes of your heart. Ask Him to help you understand; most never do.

Give it a try; you'll see.
