Thursday, September 8, 2022

Deliverance Ministry on a grand scale

In the article below, Brother Edu starts off by mentioning an event initiated by myself last spring. I asked him to pick a notoriously rotten locale/neighborhood that was filled with vice, crime, and was shunned for violence. He did and I went to work, evicting out all the demons and sealing the ground there. It is of this, in which he speaks. As summer progressed, he could see for himself the massive changes that occur when deliverance ministry is performed for an entire area, not just a single soul.

It's always the same story; the phreaks, robbers, killers, rapists, all leave. The drug dealers and the damned pack up and leave. What's left is a normal world. Now he knew with his own eyes and observation, the power of the Holy Spirit.


Elul 11 Sept 8 2022



As soon as you did close that portal in the slums here in town, I did the same with the biggest most visible degenerated drug zombie place in my country. Crossroads where young people do drugs and listen to loud obscene music, where criminals roam freely robbing and traficking and where people avoid to go if they have a choice. Only crack  zombies and drug dealers used to go there. I just did the same with that cartel place in Colombia from the video you posted yesterday by the way. Reclaimed the land, closed the portal and sealed it in name of Yeshua.

Meet the Cracolândia (Crackland) as it was:

4 months later the results are apparent, even though the drug zombie crowd is still moving around downtown São Paulo, to the dismay of people who live around. It's no like these people will just disappear suddenly, they are part of a much deeper social problem in Brazil, but they are no longer concentrated in the same spot

"The only person who was willing to talk to Folha was delegate Roberto Monteiro, from the 1st Central Sectional Police Station, responsible for Operation Caronte, which aims to arrest drug dealers in Cracolândia.

He said that, with the dispersion of the flow from Praça Princesa Isabel, the formation of small nuclei was already expected, but that they do not even remotely resemble what was seen before in the place and around Praça Júlio Prestes. He also stated that the situation is monitored 24 hours a day and that"


The portals of the main aglomerations of the cracolândia, in blue, were taken care in May. Off course the police claimed the results they never had in decades. I just took care of the new "nuclei" in purple, where they are trying to restablish their crack fairs. Let's see how it will evolve.