Monday, October 10, 2022

Sukkot begins at sunset Tishri 14

Sunset 10-10-22 Tabernacles begins.

John 7:37-38

In the last day, that great day of THE feast, Yeshua stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believes on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.”


Each of the feast festivals represents a physical metaphor for YHVH's plan for creation. Sukkot is about an in gathering of harvest. This is symbolic of Yeshua's in gathering of those that love Our Father, the Lamb Yeshua, and have the Spirit of the Most High within themselves. 

So for seven days, we rejoice in our blessings, whatever they may be on whatever level, and remind ourselves that we are the harvest that one day, will be brought home to heaven. 

It is also about being a sincere and truthful person and living to that standard. That's the main thing, character building. In many ways, all these festivals has that as a theme, on an inner level. Staying the same old stinker means one isn't connecting with the spirit within your heart.

This year, it starts today at sunset, PDT United States. However the actual time is based Jerusalem's sunset.

Sukkot ends the festivals for this year, until Passover next year.

The Fall feasts are simply:

Feast of Trumpets - He Comes.

Atonement - Repentance for our sins. 

Feast of Tabernacles - He is with us.

May His blessings be upon each of you always.
