Sunday, October 9, 2022

Understanding Revelations

Understanding Revelations 

Don Bradley Tishri 13 Full Moon

It's time for us to know.

As you are aware, we live on a flat plain, with a sky dome overhead and the varying divisions of heaven all around us, above us. In this division, we have our sky over head, full of angels of light, each in their appointed place, each being where they must be as the sun moves underneath, lighting upon each momentary zenith, the influence of these stars upon the soul of a man, a city, a nation, a world.

Each of these ever changing times is also a Grand Play, where upon each moment of the Written Word and the Living Word are played out on Earth. It's all there. 

The was, the is, the to be.

When revelations activates on any level, it is to an appointed time, in the heavens, in our sky of constellations and fixed and moveable stars/angels whom task it is to send their particular strength and dissolution of same, as is their celestial dance and song.

As the sun and moon and stars move over the land, the is becomes was, the to be becomes an is. 

For it is written in the stars above. For all to see. 

Revelations is a non linear, but uniquely wonderful holographic map of these varying stars in their paths of glory as events emerge and then dissipate. Every moment, of every hour, of every day forever.


This is exactly what a nuclear detonation at ground looks like from a distance.

Jeremiah 27

22They shall be carried to Babylon, and there shall they be until the day that I visit them, saith YHVH; then will I bring them up, and restore them to this place.