Thursday, January 19, 2023

After the move up the mountains

After the move up the mountains

Don Bradley 1-29-23 Tevet 26

Thoughts from up on the mountain.

It's snowing right now. A nice little fire is going. A literal Norman Rockwell moment.

The whole four months that was me moving out was a terrible soap opera of 2 steps forward, four steps backward; resistance at every step of the way; you name it, it happened. I am still unpacking and trying to give myself and the kitties something of a house. Without the help of a few of my readers, I would be probably living in my truck right now. Thank you all and His blessings be upon you, always.

The Vax Weapon

A deadly cocktail of Hydra Vulgaris (homunculus), 15.7 billion particles of graphene oxide, AIDS, Herpes, a collage of heavy metals, Mercury in fatal doses. This is a bio weapon that gives the recipient, demons.

And most importantly, your DNA code of the Most High YHVH is changed from YHVH to YH666Vh. From YHVH to Satan. The mark of the beast; the abomination of desolation. Once you DNA code - your 144,000 - is changed over from YHVH to satan, the demons of ANY kind have access to you. You belong to them now. You are not only the dead, but the damned.

There it is.

Suicide. A terrible fate beyond the grave. First, you instantly find yourself a broken rusted reality of the dimension you just left. But there is no sense of time or color or heat/cold. You become an invisible—living (if it can be called that, more existing) in the grey shadows between the lines. Visible to other wandering spirits and demons only. Sensitives, clairvoyants, or witches will sense or see your presence, but only fleetingly and always picking up on your frenzied depression of hopelessness, the only frequency you now radiate. Until your life cycle as indicated in the alignment of the stars that were set in place at your birth, come to their fullness. Until then, and very quickly, you lose all sense of time; a moment is an hour is a year and you cannot tell or know that. It becomes part of the manic madness that becomes your soul.

Lost. Hopeless. Without any purpose. The only memories you have is the memory of the event that led to self destruction and that becomes a perpetual merry go round of pain and horror as that event usually leaves you in. It becomes all you know and are.

Unless mercy is shown; someone prays for you and you are allowed to sleep as others decedents do. It depends upon the WHY of the suicide if that mercy comes and when.

As unbearable as life can be and often is, the existence of the wandering spirit lost in their pain and unable to change their moment to moment existence is far far worse. For it goes on and on, for uncountable centuries from their point of view. Centuries.

No one who suicides ever does it again in any life thereafter. The repulsion and horror of even thinking about it is that deep in the psyche.

I've known a few such cases personally. People I knew alive, who then self terminated and their state afterward, when I could do nothing for them. Except pray. One, after ten years our time, finally came again and was given a new life. Of course, on the internet, there are countless such stories from people's own past life recall. But never an instance of a repeat suicide.

Brother Omar has been silently working on our joint websites; both to contain and archive the years of data from the village dork as well as his own insightful and brilliant observations revealed in his articles on varying subjects, coupled with great detail and research. It's worth the visit just to read his stuff.

It's strange to see a lifetime of experience, field work, and learning under His guidance all come to a pinnacle of finally.... This role I find myself in is unique. And there are two of us. Brother Edu is an unstoppable force; a real one man army of relentlessness. Just take a look at the failure that DAVOS is this year if you want an idea of how effective our little team can be. And when our prayer groups weighs in as well, the world has to deal with it, yet never realizing the event under discussion had its roots in a tiny little prayer group.

And China, within days of the work being done in that country, they went into revolution that didn't end, just the coverage of it did. As with many things in 2022.

And I can prove it.

Kanye West. False prophet, false everything, adrenochromer whom once the Balenciaga connection with him was broke, he, his “story”, and any discussion of Kanye vanished instantly everywhere. No videos, no discussion threads, nothing. Like he never happened. Goes to show you they totally control the internet. They literally made him and the hoopla around him, vanish in an instant, online.

So it is with a great many events/people our Father has had us adjudicate upon or satanic sites that were dealt with. Once our hand was made visible, they shut down everything on that topic. For instance.

The whole southwest and the rains shall come thing in July 2022. Try to find any storm pictures from August through now and it's nothing. Junk images showing nothing. When for the first few days, I was able to post and find amazing images revealing the heavenlies in every shot—his hand behind the judgment against America's DUMBS in the southwest.

A cursed land became uncursed and to this very hour, the southwest is still getting weekly storms.

And yet the harpies in government and media are STILL screaming “extreme drought,” when every river, lake, reservoir, stream, is freely running with water all over the so called “drought” states. So much so, that even with their dumping of lake water into the ocean—which the devils admit to doing, even at this late date—has no effect upon the endless rains that water the lands, fill the rivers and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. No one in the southwest believes the drought hoax any longer. No one. Except coven stooges who are ordered to teach it to gullible children, droids who watch CNN, and people who are unable or unwilling to do even the slightest critical thinking and believe the reality of the rain every week, they experience. Some people refuse to see, as a choice. To hide in a bubble of conformity and therefore, slavery. California, now going on week four of their judgment (which is double what was given the southwest and the world), can expect more atmospheric rivers created by Typhoons in the pacific. And as proven when the forest service tried to start a great many fires last August, He can make rain and clouds appear out of thin air. Literally.

Still think your HAARP toys can stop that? You're outranked by the Most High.

And you cannot stop any of it. As well you know now, you satanic devils. You cannot stop He who has won the right of Judgment—Yeshua. He is the good shepherd. The faithful priest. Our King in all things. My friend. And brother.

He is our Adonai, lawful and just in all things for all creation.

This instant, He has led me to-

John 20

30And many other signs truly did Yeshua/Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: 31But these are written, that ye might believe that Yeshua/Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.

Pushing the fear paradigm is still big and effective business for the satanic network. They are vaxxing the cattle, cats and dogs, anything they can get their hands on. Organic producers of meats do not vax their livestock. Choose wisely.

Meats cooked, even though the animal was vaxxed, kills out the hydras vulgaris, any diseases causing agents, but the graphene lives on. Heat does not kill graphene, only its ability to function as a circuit component, making it from that POV, inert. You do not get the mark of the beast from eating cooked, vaxxed animal.

Heat kills the organic components of the vax weapon. The inorganic exists still.

I have captured a glass of snow and going to test as soon as I unpack the testing equipment.

May your journey to Yeshua be blessed and fruitful.


What was. My last day at the cathedral.