Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Half of invited slugs miss the event at DAVOS

 Mostly just ambassadors and lower level fluffers showed up. Brother Edu sealed the DAVOs sites the other day, I dealt with various malefactors. Big no show event, first time ever. Those are either DEAD or unable to take what's coming to them by attending that do send droids or stooges in rubber masks to take the heat. 

 Let's face it. Klaus WAS Davos. He WAS the WEF. With him gone, and no one wants to sit in the hot seat and with membership dying off this year at an alarming rate for a group of High Level Elite...looks like the bloom is off this defunct group. They pass the banner to a less flamboyant and more capable slug the next time.
I mean, Klaus was just asking for it...tromping around Mediterranean beaches dressed as a schoolgirl with his slong hanging out. But of course, that is typical behavior of someone who believes themselves above any kind of decency and consideration for those around them. And the WEF is every evil and vicious in a potential government system. 

And the judgment is this:
Anyone who takes his place, takes his fate. And it will be so.
