Thursday, January 5, 2023

The quality of mercy II

The quality of mercy II

Don Bradley 1-5-23 Tevet

It was something I was struggling with a few years back, as a state of internal being. At what point does patience and love become enabling and silent consent, ending in further dissolution of the other party?

I didn't know where that line was and was having difficulty in knowing when and what to be, in the correct measure.

It was taking a great deal of my mental reflection, because it was a barrier in my path that had become paramount going forward.

Of course, as with all things, I was something I tabled constantly to Father. Soon, after a few weeks. An event occurred involving a cat and a gopher that led to the gopher getting rescued by me, even though Gracie that kitty wa just doing her job in keeping the yard clear of malefactors and ne'er do wells. At that moment I hesitated, what to do? Rescue just so Gracie can get him later? I closed my eyes, Yesh apeared in front of me, and...

I clearly and instantly understood that mercy—always mercy—is the correct path.

I put on a pair of leather gloves, grabbed the terrified critter, and carried him out to the forest and set him free.

Which set me free.
