Monday, February 6, 2023

Enemy ID - Covens control ALL media

Their worship of satan only makes the truth and existence of the Most High Adonai, YHVH quite REAL. If you have one, in our world, you have the other. All this coven coming out noize only removes any doubt about the existence of God. For here is the devil, that these Edomite/Canaanite phreaks worship.

Blood drinking killers: witches. You can smell the stink from here.

Every stage show in our time is now a satanic ritual. 

  • Tongue out - demon present, check.
  • Nimrod flag of NWO, check.
  • V symbol for satan sigil, check.
  • Sings about child rape, check.
  • Sings about drinking blood, check.
  • Has AIDS, but covens pass him around after Grammys, check.
  • Is on its way out, because vax weapon, check.
We have a winner!

These satanic rituals at CERN no longer take place nor will they. Having been dealt with in August, CERN after 3 years of big coming out, turning the thing on for the beast they were yammering about, shut down for good and all for...wait for it...climate change. Right. When that never was an issue for any of the LHCs. That was a good day. 3 trillion dollars and 3 decades of building mostly underground for NOTHING.

Tranny phreaks - all blood drinkers.

There is no such thing as anti-semitism. It's just a defense scam when anyone points out what these slit eyed phreaks are doing. Oh...they kill some 300,000 children a year in grottos, basements, and DUMBS.

These are the spawn of satan that brought this evil to our world.