Tuesday, March 28, 2023

3-28-23 3.5 Earthquake San Francisco

 And isn't it a lovely morning?

3.5 Earthquake San Francisco., 6.01AM 
While this is going on at the same time.

Is that a leak in the ceiling? 


All I am permitted to say is, it's too late now. It's all set into motion, so to say.


Dad has led us to

Jeremiah 16

 17For mine eyes are upon all their ways: they are not hid from my face, neither is their iniquity hid from mine eyes. 

PS. And in that day, it all crashes together; a perfect harmony of water, earth, and rock. The unholy denizens and these cockatrices in their dens, the slayers and the slain, the endless caverns of heartbreak and lost hope...erased in an instant, never again to be remembered or recalled or cared for by anyone, ever again.
