Saturday, March 11, 2023

State of emergency in effect throughout California as winter storm 16 continues

No more snow. I woke up this morning, like yesterday, to temps above 50 degrees. Usually, the last few months, its below 30 at sunrise. They no longer have to worry about snow as they are now seeing statewide. Just rains. We'll have those snow roads cleared by this time tomorrow, thanks to warm winter rains at all altitudes.

You have asked for no more snow. Okay then.

Plenty of rain. Everybody gets their version of the rains. Keep dumping the water into the sea, denying farmers the use of rain from the lakes and farm channels built during the depression to ensure year round crops. Farmers report all water deliveries are permanently stopped, regardless of the rains and such, and for the last few years, they have to go on the open market and buy water using water trucks from Arizona. Which California has banned also, stealing thousands of farms they are making bankrupt for people like Gates and other devils.

The rains are going to stay. Once the good work is done, things will stabilize into weekly gentle rains the farmers can count on. The more they harm the farms, their more their rich enclaves here and in other parts of the country will be tormented by rivers of water, taking away from them, what they have been stealing from others.

This is a reckoning. And those that stand and do the bidding of evil for evil's sake can expect justice. 

Notice the storm being fed water FROM THE WEST... Yeah, that's the style.