Friday, March 17, 2023

Storm 19 inbound and taking shape

 One after another, with perfect regularity. Snow at only the higher altitudes, below that only water. At what point will the land begin to repent and turn to Yeshua? 

Are you in a penitent state? Looking hard at your life, and choices, and doings and saying, "these are unholy things, trapping me in sin and the body, making me a plaything of the beast. This hour, set me on the path of freedom from evil."

At that moment, it all begins to change. I'm not saying the YOUR coming battles will be easy. They will not. For you must crucify your fleshly passions and weaknesses on the cross of freedom, where victory has already been obtained on your behalf. Watch the agents of darkness scorn your new attempts at the holy, the good, and the true; they will use every device to get you to quit your path of repentance. They want your soul in the pit with them.

That's all they want. Your damnation. 

We are in end times. All of us.

And the only escape, in body, mind, and soul is Yeshua.

If you fail or trip or keep having to have a go at it, persevere. Stay with it. For you are the CENTER PIECE of a great battle.

And our Heavenly Father is there to vouchsafe your reward.

Bless everyone this day who sees and understands, and begins anew their battle over the evil in both their own lives and in the world.



Galations 6


16And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.

17From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of Yeshua Adonai.

18Brethren, the grace of our Yeshua Adonai Christ be with your spirit. Amen. {Unto the Galatians written from Rome.