Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Taking a break

I have to focus on other things.

Well, it's new moon (not today, like the liars say) starting Wednesday evening at sunset, which creates the REAL new year, the Edomite slugs altered in the past.

And sadly, a witches black sabbath. Which has been in play since yesterday.

Watch all the folks you know "disappear" for some planned couple of days away with the usual pretense to cover their satanic revels. I see it all the time; they pack up and leave about from last weekend to this friday. Orgies, rape and murder of children, and new orders for the next 6 weeks. And they think nothing at all in this most heinous behavior. Relish in it, in fact. 

Thanks for helping keep the power on for another month. But, I have to solve monetary issues or all this is simply.... And you can sell only so much of your stuff giving it away for pennies on the dollar because that's life, before you simply hit that wall of...whatever it will be.

You have six years of intense education on this site. Get what you can, while you can.

And Pray, hourly, daily, with an open heart to Him, Yeshua and our Father, YHVH. It's all we have.

It's certainly all I have.
