Friday, March 17, 2023

This is a king of waters

And he's wearing his mantle of authority in his domain, as they all do. 

In his locale.

As with the air, water, fire, earth - all alive with differing choirs of angels. Every single thing is ALIVE.

I cannot go into detail much beyond the above, for it is unlawful to speak of things of heaven except under express permission and guided under His Holy Hand. Sentinels of the Earth, just like him. Spirits of the air and fire, same. Varying ranks and grades within the angelic hierarchy. 

In point of fact, it is these spirits that are crying out against the land - meaning its inhabitants, for that is what "land" really means. They are in droves ignoring satan and returning to the father. Just in the last year, we've made that much progress with them. I spent nearly every other day last year, speaking to one of them on returning to the Father in all things. Some holdouts but they'll "see the light."

This should give you an idea of something of what a tiny portion of my day is like. You just going to have to figure it out for yourselves. 

All glory in all things goes to our Father. He has guided in every step of the way and I can assure one and all, without him, I would have stumbled so very badly as to make a ruin of the work, right out of the box. So all credit to Dad, YHVH.

Here you go. Everything that exists on this plane comes from dust. If the spirit of your small table were to vacate the wood, that wood would cease all molecular bonding and either turn to ash or dust, depending upon the medium of breakdown. Have scientism explain that fact. They cannot.

Read the book of Enoch; brother well covers the varying spirits of earth, just not with detail.