Monday, March 6, 2023

This nephilim Pedophile is pretending to be me - stealing all of our Father's work since it started last year

Pedo Julie Green is flaunting the pedo symbol for little girls, the double heart. Also, her lion picture is actually the face of Lucifer (statue of liberty) composited with lion features, one shadow symbolism.


This nephy princess is taking everything I publish, and podcasting it as her own moves, same day.  Wow.

All of my, E's, and Dad's moves she is taking credit for, by repackaging and branding the labor as her own. She even declares herself a prophet, something I have never done, nor will ever do.  My relationship with Yesh and Dad are evident by anyone who can see and look at the evidence. Or not, if you think it's all one giant continuous coincidence, over and over again.

Julie also mixes in globular earth, satellites, planets, and all the rest of the NIV trash lies with Dad's truths, from my site!

Dad says there are six people doing this. One in Russia, France, four in America. 

This is a great offense to our Father and Yeshua. 

I feel sorry for them and bear them no ill will. I know the punishment for this kind of thing and its quite severe; I don't have to lift a finger, other than invoke the rule involved against them. Which has happened.


For the record. Our father does not traditionally use women for prophet work. Of course women, like men, can have visions, dream dreams, but adjudication of action - not likely.