Monday, April 17, 2023

Andrew Lester being railroaded by the Sniffy gang UPDATED

Andrew Lester being railroaded by the Sniffy gang...

And May our Heavenly Father have little mercy upon the designers of this unholy thing they are setting into motion for none shall be spared upon them.

Leprosy and withered arms/hands FOR LIFE are a heck of a thing, wouldn't you say ? (I've learned new things this last 11 days). 

It is done and only I can rescind it. And I'm in no mood for such treachery against the peoples of all races, regardless of color. In point of fact, I am quite sick of it. 

Go ahead and riot. For wherever you riot, shall the rains and the wind and the cold come upon you in fury. Amen.


PS It starts as a twinge, in the wrist and elbow and shoulder-the weakness and pain becomes, more and more, such that it distracts from all else, even eating. Each day, there is less and less strength, until you can no longer even hold a pencil. It must be arthritis you think, heading off for your free, government paid for doctor's care, because YOU are in the satanic club. 

They give you drugs, which do nothing. For there is nothing in your soul, but an empty satanic bucket of rage filled hate against the True Light of Yeshua. You get more drugs, even self medicating, as most of you so cursed will do. 

Those do nothing, really, other than get you stoned.

You go on disability; out of work. But, clearly, your GUN HAND, is no longer a shadow of its former self. You can see, in the mirror, a decidedly different look between your arms. Your muscle mass is actually shrinking to that of a 93 year old elderly woman. Nothing.

Nothing at all.

Finally, you must renounce Satan of a sincere truth, and quite possibly you might get relief. But it has to be real, or it all comes back TO BOTH ARMS. FOR LIFE.
