Monday, April 17, 2023

But what about Russia? Or China? Why just pick on America?

Did you not pay attention last year? Most of the best work we did was overseas. Plus, a great deal is happening in France, Russia, China, all of it, that is COMPLETELY BLACKED OUT IN THE MEDIA. Removing Satan's dwelling place beneath Babel cost me my home in Ojai. The price I paid for that adjudication.

Telling you does no good, without proof.

And so far, I can provide proof when I can, because, we have a 1st amendment of the constitution; which only citizens obey in body and soul. The courts, police, government have long ago abandoned it in favor of their coven pledges.

I'm not the enemy.

My only purpose is to reveal YHVH's and Yeshua's great love for you all. Had they not loved you so very dearly, I would not have come to Earth, all the times I have. In these last days, I stand FOR YOU.


So, when evil abounds, and takes your blessings and tramps them down to crush you, His Hand stays them through His people, His servants. We must come, so Yeshua can come at the 7th Trumpet. John had to come, to clear the way for Christ. And so it is now, same people.

We are so very near to that time.

Hang in there.

It's going to get rough.


Pray constantly. Without ceasing. As you walk, think, drive, be. Open your heart to the Most High; He is a most wonderful friend (none better!) and counselor, should you but let him in, mind/body/soul.

Without us, staying their hands, and punishing the wicked so decidedly, none would survive this time. NONE. We must clear away the damned, so that the righteous should live. And you shall live, in His Name, YESHUA our Savior.

I've seen a great deal in my time here. A great deal - daily - of evil you can scarcely imagine, it's that bad. 

But this must all be. These things must come to pass. And it is going to get very, very rough. Especially this year.

And I mean the real this year, not the one in January, the one that began in late March of THIS YEAR.

The times and seasons of Earth are false. I live by the real times and seasons. So does heaven and the stars/angels above us all.
