Monday, April 10, 2023

"Easter" 2023 Brooklyn NY

On a happier note, while it was yet night in California and we were all snug in our beds, so to say, I was escorted around a few various sunrise "easter" services around Brooklyn NY. The lying preachers were pushing Easter service, but the faithful, en masse, were there for YESHUA. This warmed my heart. Even in New York, real people understand what Being Risen means and of whom we love and rightfully give our praise. 

Then I was taken on a walking tour of downtown and how the town awakened and what was afoot, as the demons slipped back down below with the coming of the sun. His Presence could be felt, even there.

Then, as He always does, I awoke for the days events.

Point is, even the deceiving preachers who are of the beast, couldn't turn the hearts of those whom love Yeshua our Christ, away from the true meaning of Passover, his Passion, and His Resurrection. I kept shouting at the preachers, "You Lie! You Deceivers!" But, my escort reminded me that as always, no one could see or hear me. I couldn't help myself. I still shouted at them.

It was nice to see.

Enough of that.


Dad reminded me of Baruch and Jeremiah, whom He hid among the King and his ministers, who burned the scroll of admonitions and portents Jeremiah/YHVH had given them. Only to have the scroll made again and Full Judgment come upon the kings, princes, and ministers of those days.

You've burned the scroll. Not I.

This is on you, not I.