Saturday, April 1, 2023

Judgment against all coven transvestites, worldwide.

We let these demonic nephilim into every part of our life and they have taken it over with the most horrific double mind phvk rhetoric of satanic nonsense. And white people are the problem?

They kidnap, rape, torture and drink the blood of our children. And nothing is done to stop them. Nothing. 

91% of all teachers in the USA declare as LGBTQPHVKS on some level. And they shove that demonic life modality down the throats of every single child from kindergarten to graduate school. And we say, sure, no problem...screw up my son/daughter.


A Trans Day Of Vengeance Protest Was Canceled After Organizers Received A Threat Of Gun Violence Fueled By Right-Wing Anti-Trans Rhetoric

Judgment against all coven transvestites, worldwide.

Don Bradley April 1st, 2023 Nissan 10

The above headline is a lie. When this event—which they “coincidentally” launched before the troon fake shooting that blamed Christians rather than the covens and the CIA—was announced, Brother E and I set to make the event a day the world would not soon forget. They knew we would be waiting for them; not with guns, but with Holy Fire and prayer.


That's why they canceled it.

However, on this day, as was done last June 26th 2022 regarding the Moloch sacrifice festivals they planned for the ENTIRE SUMMER which ended all protests for abortion murders by covens, the same fate was laid down against any and all public transvestite events—either protest or celebration—when instigated by coven assets of ANY stripe or affiliation.

So, officially, here is the judgment:

Wherever the witches gather to celebrate or protest or parade in public in any place or time the entirety or any aspect of the transvestite movement of blasphemy, whether it be one witch or many, shall the ground they stand on be sealed, the demons confused and confounded, the troons shall turn against each other in anger as they see that their own abomination as their TRUE enemy and not the Christians or gentiles, whom they both hate and prey upon. Further, that the Holy Fire of Judgment come upon their heads that day and all of their days, evermore. Upon that day, shall they know no peace, nor rest, nor happiness.


And there it is. Finally.

Putting the punishment squarely upon the head and shoulders of those truly responsible. And if you witches doubt this, remember how we shut down the Moloch protests for more state sanctioned murder. And remember this, as well.

I hope you do protest. So an end can be made of you child grooming predators of evil incarnate. Note, this is only against those who are affiliated with the Beast no matter what kind of witchcraft or agency they claim they be from—voodoo, celtic, Edomite/Khazarian, whatever. The innocent...those poor groomed gentiles and children who have had magic and mind control used on them, both overtly and covertly, get a pass. For these groomed souls are the REAL VICTIMS.

Turning this against Christians was a predictable and yet, HUGE mistake. You have done this to yourselves. For your blamed your blasphemies upon the innocent.

And it's the innocent, whom He loves and protects.


Yeshua has led us to:

Ezekiel 6

6 In all your dwelling places the cities shall be laid waste, and the high places shall be desolate; that your altars may be laid waste and made desolate, and your idols may be broken and cease, and your images may be cut down, and your works may be abolished.

The appointed time for the trans anything judgment. It's all there.