Sunday, April 2, 2023

Passover/Full Moon begins Wednesday


Ideas on Celebrating These Appointed Times
Have a special “Passover” meal together that includes unleavened
bread, (the evening of Passover is Day 1 of Unleavened Bread), and go
over the Passover account in Exodus 12 and explore the many beautiful
ways on how Yeshua fulfilled it.
Gain a new appreciation of the very high cost of our salvation by reading
the gospel accounts of Yeshua’s death and burial as well as prophetic
scriptures such as Psalm 22 & Isaiah 52:13-53:12 which were written over 700 years before Yeshua’s life on earth and provide very specific details surrounding these events.
Read Acts 8:26-40 to see how Phillip used the Isaiah 53 passage to preach about Yeshua. During Passover, as we break the bread that represents His body and drink of the cup that represents His blood of the new covenant, which was shed for many; let us remember the great sacrifice of our Eternal Lamb of God by praising and glorifying Him for what He has done for us.