Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Stay your hand yet a while longer son

Stay your hand yet a while longer son

Don Bradley April 26, 2023 Iyyar 5

And He has said,

For I have made you and your brother, my champions. Adjure to the time I have given you in this matter. It is no small thing which you do and the punishment, great. For the sake of the lost, blind, and stumbling who need yet more time.

Micah 4-5

5For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of YHVH our God for ever and ever.

Make good the time you have, friends. Seek out Yeshua and our Heavenly Father as much as you are able. After a bit of time, that is that, for a great many and who can say whom shall be called home and whom shall be called to judgment. For the hour is urgent upon us all. Amen.
