Sunday, April 23, 2023

What I am and am not - Iyyar 2

I am not a prophet

Don Bradley

April 23, 2023


Setting some kind of record straight, here's the thing about the village dork - me.

A Prophet? None.

A man of prayer who loves our Father and Yeshua? Absolutely.

Plus, can anything good come from California? As they say? (I was born in Bethsaida/Bethesda, MD, but am from Cali - I live there now, gasp!) Watch and see.

I just pray a lot. And He listens (because He loves us that much.) For every thing you know of, there are hundreds of miracles and events you will never hear about. I intend to keep it that way. 

And I've no intention to make popular YT videos drawing attention to myself, blowing myself up, and all that narcissistic blather. There are so many of those repugnant slugs and gimps out there. It's quite revolting, as true hearts well know. You know the kind of slug/gimp I mean: they always have their talking head as their channel header and all you always see is their face going on and on, instead of the material being presented. They always glorify themselves over all else, even Yeshua. They have a distinct odor. Always. And even if it is a show and tell, there is their face in the corner, because their vanity - the very sin that brought Lucifer down - is their defining characteristic.

And another thing, there are hundreds of fake prophets out there - mostly - and some 70+ people claiming to be one of the "two witnesses" ala Revelations 11. If you want to follow folks who make those kind of claims, and yet have no doings, then its on you as to where you fall on the issue - use discernment, pray, and He will guide you to the truth of the person - if you are honest and true yourself with Dad/YHVH. Are you?

This blog gets less than a dozen readers that are legit people, sincerely seeking to understand our world; the rest are intelligence assets, government, and covens, all whom have openly swore their hatred of me, Yeshua, and everything Holy Good and True very often right to my face. Good. Very good. I leave the popularity contests to the buffoons, liars, and witches; they are quite proficient in such deceptions that I want no part of.

The main thing is, what are their fruits? Do they proclaim a thing that then happens? Every time? Over and over again? Then you know them by their fruits, one way or the other. But as for folks running those scams, there are scores of such, mostly satanists and witches, out to deceive the gullible. If your standards are that low, that do nothings who make wide open claims that they then assign some slightly related, oblique event as a fulfillment of their "prophecy," then there are plenty to choose from; literally every shape, size, language, and color. Something for everybody. 

The proof is in the doings not in the sayings or proclaiming. If a thing is proclaimed that then happens, EVERY SINGLE TIME. You've got your man, for Our Father does not use women for such things. Can women see, know, be, do, and serve? Of course. But world prophets adjudicating on people, places and things that then occur and prayers that are answered openly for all to see? He assigns those duties to men, for reasons well explained in the Holy Word.

I could elaborate further, but to what end?

No TRUE PROPHET ever proclaims himself as such. In that instance, he is none. If Dad proclaims him, okay. But Yeshua gave us tests for such in our times and it's all in the fruits not the mouth.


PS. Saying you are a prophet when you are none is a sin against the Holy Spirit and is unforgivable. Such people are already judged and they did it to themselves. Be legit in your doings and leave the blathering buffoons of bellicose blusterings to the damned.