Sunday, May 21, 2023

Drought in Europe? Seriously?

Drought in Europe? Are you kidding me? They have had storms every week since September of 2022.
And WEF wants all euro countries to declare drought laws with water restrictions.
We have taken out a great many DUMBS and grottoes overseas and we are FAR FROM DONE.

If you go to the video channel, I put one in ten videos on the worldwide, weekly storms slamming the cities where DUMBS and unholy GROTTOES be. That time is past, no matter how long it takes or how much water has to come and change the landscape of the world. 

It's a lot of proof. And that's only 10% of the videos I find, which is a great deal.

It's a fact I focus on the Southwest of America. I live there. But, I also cover the worldwide effort by our Father and Yeshua to make an end of these places. When you realize the amount of children being slaughtered on a daily basis worldwide (over 30,000 per day) and the unholy creatures that walk beneath your feet as you go to work, play in parks, take in a movie, or have dinner. You'll be thanking Edu and I for this labor we are doing, as the other prayer warriors whom also assist us. 

And one thing you'd think and one thing only, if you could see what I HAVE SEEN, is


If you only knew how bad things really were, you'd be begging us to do this around the clock. Well, we are doing the best we can, given our lives, which are no longer ours but belong To Our Heavenly Father and His Son and our KIng and Redeemer, Yeshua/Jesus Christ. 

This is no exaggeration. Not in the least. Things are that bad.