Monday, May 15, 2023

Resurgence of Buena Vista Lake; Another lake not being reported on

The Lake 

Lake Isabella dumps to Kern River which empties into Buena Vista Lake.

Kern river to buena vista lake 5-8-23

Don Bradley May 15, 2023

Kern lake

Buena Vista lake

Tulare Lake

Among other lakes, the media is hiding from the public. It was foretold that these ancient, long dried out lakes would return and return they are obviously doing. I had to jump through miles of hoops to find these videos for you. To prove His Tellings and Doings are True and Real. And even with all this proof, none believe, unless its on Edomite/CIA controlled Wikilies and Googly-stunted-soul search engines.

They hate Almighty YHVH and His son Yeshua, that much.

And they hate they no longer control reality with their technology. Hate it.

I have a phrase to say to them, but polite society prevents me from so stating publicly. But here are a few of the lakes coming back. Others?

Owens Lake

Mono Lake

All the lost lakes of Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Texas, etc. Plus the lakes out in Riverside and Death Valley. It will be and is happening. All these lakes will return to their former sizes. Make note.
