Monday, June 12, 2023

The Mojave river in the Mojave desert June 12 2023

The Mojave Desert, turning green. Which will get 53 inches of rain this summer, plus extra where needed.


Google maps and every other site out there has the Mojave river as dry as bone.


Well, this is the Mojave River, today, in Barstow.

 This is the Mojave river in Victorville, at its ending, where it becomes 2 lakes, which are also full. I've posted videos of these quite full lakes already for any one to review at their leisure. The river was full where it narrowed and running strong and deep. 

Quite a thing. But, it rains now nearly every day in the Mojave desert, mainly at the headwaters area between Barstow and Needles. To the north, in Death Valley, same thing. Tons of rain, nearly every day. In fact, we could see it raining in the distance.


Bone dry, cannot hide our Father's work from the world, only lie about, which lands a curse upon you. A rather severe one.