Monday, October 16, 2023

Solar Eclipse 2023

 Welcome to the reality of things. Much better than living in a shitepot world of lies, as the devils have given us. Very much better.

Yeshua is the road to Freedom with Truth.


Miss Gracie insists upon truth at all times for all peoples.

Some people think the moon makes for a solar eclipse. This is simply not so. Everything thing you need to see is right in front of you. Watch, observe, think, understand.

However, the Edomite nephilim have plenty of lies, bs about the world, you name it, to swallow and live in a false reality, a false satanic dark light. Is that still good enough for you or are you finally sick of it all?

This is something each of us must decide for themselves and then so act on that knowing freedom.

Or remain a slave, right into the camps and guillotines.