Saturday, December 2, 2023

demon snakes show among nephys - the sniffy

The worst case of this I ever saw was in 2004 on a gifting run in San Pedro. One of the lesbian wimmin that tagged along our group had half a dozen constantly popping in and out of her head, right in front of everybody. A glance about informed me they knew, but were surprised the demons were so keen on exposing themselves. She literally looked like Medusa. Just like the statues. I just stared, watching the shifting maze of critters, writhing and popping so very fast, up and then back mouth was open. Have seen this all my life. All. 

But this just caught me off guard. It took a few seconds to regain my presence of mind. Then found the group all purposely over talking small talk, to quickly change the chat so that I don't get a chance to even say anything. In that same instant, I perceived it was

All of them.

Last group gifting run I ever did. I had to remove all their hexes and spells, from that moment on, or why bother?
