Friday, December 29, 2023

Evil Hollywood - the long planned occult murder of Heather O'Rourke on a witches sabbath

 She was raped to death the night before and it was called, the "flu." She died on 2-1-88 Super Bowl a WITCHES BLACK SABBATH OF IMBOLC, which means, in the belly. By placing the poster of an event SIX YEARS AWAY into the future, it reveals that certain souls are long targeted in advance for occult destruction.

She was passed around like a rag doll for years from producers to stars. This is Hollywood, then and now.

Only now, it's much, more worse.

Lucifer told them this was all they needed to be sin free. Provided they also read a few satanic verses aloud when they do it, to blaspheme YHVH. For real.

He played an italian, but winkler is indeed a jew.

Hillel means LUCIFER.