Friday, January 26, 2024

Every Demon from the Ars Goetia - 72 Demons of the Lesser Key of Solomon

This level of occult activity should only be studied by those persons whom have dedicated their lives - to the death, if needs be - in defeating evil where it is found. Any other interest or enterprise other than stated previously, is dangerous and foolish in the extreme. Invoking these spirits is DANGEROUS. And if you do not possess the Holy Spirit of Yeshua, you are already OUTMATCHED. A friend back in 1992 handed me this book, an old one, at my home. I told him to burn it at once. He walked over to the fireplace and tossed it in.

Every copy of this I find in old used occult bookstores, I buy and then burn. It's that unholy.

This is posted for Spirit Warriors of Christ only.