Thursday, January 25, 2024

Full Moon January 25th, 2024

Full Moon January 25th, 2024


Has it been a month already? Since the last Holiday Full Moon, that is. So much has happened, is happening, will happen. It's staggering for us all. Sometimes its best just to reduce to simple doings and daily, to weather the storms around us. Really. What I do.

The Pedo plague thing is really blowing up. The beast system so far, is thread and topic killing any untoward discussion of it, unless its directed at the Trumpster. This is not something they can control.

Think of it. A plague that starts with one hand; then the other; then the neck; then the face. Or the reverse of it, depending.

The reptoid nephilim really are pissing mad full of hate and bile on this one. Oh yeah. You've no idea how much so. Those shiny and perfect skin suits now reveal the inner entity, that everyone ogles over as “he's cute,” or “she's totally hot.” With celebs, half the time the guys are gals and vice versa. Still, shiny or no, the body wears out as do all meat sacks, and they age, too. Then, if they are sucking down copious quantities of adrenochrome (pink blood), they live on, but as loathsome, toadish, slugs. Think Kissinger or Soros, madonna, they all end up the same.

And bathing in blood can only keep that beauty online for a little while longer, but that doesn't last either, does it? I know better.

Still, the children scream in the unholy places for mercy and there is none with this kind. It's as alien a concept to them as maternal love.

That demonic veil of beauty eventually falls and there you are, naked, repulsive to all life forms, with a stench of burnt cabbage and week old urine coming from you. The incense helps, doesn't it. Sure.

After a month, I'd have thought – mistakenly, of course – that the nephys would tone down their business in these matters. Many have, on the quiet, remote covens here and there. No longer attending to these affairs. A rebellion within the rebellion. Seeing the judgment is really a Debbie Downer on that sort of thing. But the money/govt gimps and the celeb slugs haven't slowed down at all.

Okay then.

Can you imagine a stench that is likened unto a pestilent odor of death, jasmine (ding), urine?

I can.


And Dad has led us to this day:

Luke 1

71That we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us;