Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Madonna at Madison Square Gardens hands covered bandages

That's one way to hide things. Just bandage your hands. Bandages, gloves, scarves. What's next?

Problem, though.

The plague spreads and grows. What can be hidden today, cannot be tomorrow. To hide things, only makes it worse. As we know.

The name for this plague is the PEDO PLAGUE (the open sores plague).

What are all these devils going to do in a months time? What then?

Make wet, dripping pus bandages a fashion thing to make shame socially acceptable? This judgment is putting on the outside, the horrific spiritual estate of what's on the inside, and none of it is pretty or laudable. The creature sang a happy birthday song for its tranny phreak "daighter" on stage.

1-22-24 NYC the gardens. Last tour honey. Remember. Looks like Phyllis Diller

She has a team of retouching experts who are given all the photos she has taken - let's face it, I'm sure Madonna is no Photoshop expert. Then she just sees the filtered and retouched versions - so she really believes she looks that way! And so do her "fans." the pictures that say Backgrid....must do her instagram...they are all photshopped. I'd be suing for false advertising too because I don't know who this is but it is clearly not Madonna! Looks nothing like all the pictures we were seeing before the tour started.

I understand, Ms. Ciccione. Or is it still legally Penn? Anyways, I do understand. You hang out with kings, princesses, movie stars, porn phreaks, the lot. You've been all around the world that would have you.  And now, after 40 years of material girl in a material world of your own creation, the bills come due.

And payable.

You knew where this would one day lead and hell is not a summer resort of some movie fiction. It's why the demons want back topside on the rock, its that bad. They've had thousands of years there and lies aside, it's no joke. 

And when these same demons finally and at long last get their hands on you; when the silver cord is finally broken and the bowl is shattered, what then?

And no one shall call your remembrance to mind. Except as a sad example of a woman far past her prime, trying to recapture in her fast running out clock, what was and is soon to be no more.