Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Moloch, then and now - Chabad, Hillel, etc - UPDATED

 Moloch...Baal...dead children...Canaanites...Carthaginians...Phoenecians....jews...elite bloodline nephy shites of all lands and racial types, in our time.

Video clips show FOUR (4) blood stained mattresses.

Jewbie pedo "debunks" pizza gate. Goes to prison for child rape.

Jewbie on a thread, tells it. Legit.

Q: (Joe) Since we're on current affairs, was the official narrative about what the Jews in New York were doing in the tunnels under the Chabad centre, is that all they were doing? Just kids who were...
A: No.
Q: (Joe) The official story was that it was just young kids who had been messing around for six months wanting to build a tunnel between the actual centre and the old baths, or something like that. So that's not true. What were they tunnelling under their own building for?
A: Trafficking.
Q: (Joe) That's what people have been saying!
(Niall) Oh my god! Trafficking human organs?
(Joe) Human trafficking, organ trafficking?
A: Whatever you can think of but mainly children.
Q: (Joe) What's up with them Jews? I mean, is it just programming, or is it a genetic profile?
A: Hatred of humanity due to early infant programming
Q: (Joe) I.e. involving circumcision...
A: Yes.
Q: (thorbiorn) Considering the STS attacks on people with "more moral tastebuds", as Pierre qualified Semites, are there any particular efforts that would be needed or helpful to protect this heritage?
(L) That's almost too general to... I mean, I think we're in the process of kind of trying to do it, like trying to conserve what is needed to be conserved, to try to understand our reality and, and base our lives on what is realistic and real. And yeah, I think that question is way too general.
(Chu) Just knowledge protects.
(L) Yeah, knowledge protects. I mean, I think we've covered that in so many ways.
(Farmies) Session 1 December 2018:
Q: (Pierre) What's the percentage of psychopathy among Ashkenazi Jews today?
A: 53%

Nasty lesbian witch - nephilim reptoid. In the law, as they do.

From spirit jars of the dead to burning babies, same as it ever was.

They glorify child torture and sacrifice.

Hurry, hurry! and get your grand map of the damned.

Where there are Edomite tunnels, there will be blood stained mattresses.

Same as it ever was.