Sunday, January 28, 2024

Nasty witch lesbians pushing war

Bish flashes baphomet, wears lesbian slave ring in her nose. Her favorite pasttime is drinking blood.

Sodomy has its roots in fallen angel/rape
Sodomy is used in an occultist line of succession to claim inheritance of the watchers promise.
  • This is the foundation of the satanic mystery schools.
  • This is why they hide information regarding human microchimerism. It’s affect on women is important for our own families, but is ultimately a red herring as far as the occultists are concerned.
  • This also explains blood libel and the myth of the vampire. Once you are tainted with nephilim blood, you must feed on the blood of Adamkind as sustenance.
  • YHVH commands us not to adulterate. If you consider the idea of microchimerism then sodomy can result in a similar corruption. I believe this connection is not accidental.
  • This is why the world elite participate in rituals. It goes beyond blackmail. It’s the learned master that initiate the higher degrees. The illumination is the seed of the serpent entering you through your anus.
  • Then comes the Vril worm - so called - that plants the chimeric shift into a vessel for the fallen.