Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Right after the storm surges...

 A series of EQs, just large enough to make underground changes, happened at the same time at key points yesterday. Our Father is awesome!

Don't use the USGS site. They delete EQs, hide them and lower temblor measurements. Use...

With all this, you'd think something was coming. 

This is the overview, followed by detail so you can see, the worst places are getting it, underground.

China Lake Naval Weapons DUMB and massive hub for the state, including Ridgecrest, their big facility for sending out varying amplitudes of wave forms that they used to use to control weather storms. 

Southern Sierra DUMB gets an EQ.

And all of them happened in the same hour. That uneasy silence that comes over San Fag, Marin, and other areas of late should be of concern, but no one pays attention at anything.