Monday, January 8, 2024

SPACE Astrobotic's privately built moon lander suffers potentially crippling anomaly after launch

spacehex explodes 1-8-24

It appears the failure within the propulsion system is causing a critical loss of propellant. The team is working to try and stabilize this loss, but given the situation, we have prioritized maximizing the science and data we can capture. We are currently assessing what alternative mission profiles may be feasible at this time," the company said.


Wow. Another one blows up. You'd think there was a judgment against it all. The truth of the thing is, they never really intended to have a REAL successful landings and such because even with top shelf cgi/demon AI, it will still not be genuine and will be easily torn apart.

This was one of those kind of missions. You know

things look bad but we'll pull a rabbit out of the hat and call it a success!

My how they fall, when they fall. It's never the one thing, its the many all colliding together that brings ruin. Right, Elon? No one wants your death cars, your vacuum tube rails, or any other fantastic fiction that always falls a mile short of the promises made. Remember Elizabeth the Blood Lady - ms Theranos Jones. She's in prison or was. Fortune, gone. Name value, gone. Brands, dead as Dillinger.