Thursday, February 22, 2024

Giants walking the land

Giants...walking the land

don bradley 2-22-24

No preamble necessary.

  • Giants walking the land.

  • Cities mostly smoking ruins.

  • Rakes and Zombies hunting for living flesh at night.

  • Cursed lands become vibrant and green; blessed lands become none.

  • The living quickly become united in their faith to Almighty Adonai YHVH and His son Yeshua, defeating all that comes at them.

  • Many perish at the guillotine, refusing to join with the beast and his demon/homonculi parasite.

  • A complete abandonment and hatred of anything digital.

  • The best of men and the worst of men.

  • The Holy Spirit bursts forth in all those hearts whom love the Father. Each becomes a shining sun. A blessed day.

  • The calamities continue apace, each more appalling than the one before.

  • Demons and their offspring on earth are everywhere. Hybrids live among people, as phreaks do now. The black eyed children have grown up, quite fast indeed. And become Terrors, once again on Earth. Sigh.

  • Again and again, the wicked and unholy are struck down with plagues, blight, and strife beyond even their own crazy making. Nothing changes; there is very little repentance.

  • The first Great Culling has come and continues to strike down the wicked and gentiles.

  • The second Great Culling is hard by the door.

  • Governments in chaos and ruin, mostly. Hard line governments – ever hopeful for a 1984 Orwellian 3 continent division of this world as individual kingdoms, find themselves nearly destroyed by Great Catastrophes. Big fiery rock, all but removes one of them.

  • One is already imploding with a multitude of judgments already in play upon the land.

  • America continues to suffer under terrible false flags, like the Hoover dam being blown up, and blamed on Muslims. Expect it. It's on their books. Things like that.