Wednesday, February 28, 2024

How come animal rights activists never talk about kosher butchers? kosher is the most inhumane way to kill an animal


This has been going on from the days of Canaan.

 When I read about how Kosher meats were prepared, I became physically ill. It was in an Encyclopedia from the 1980s, that I read in 2003. They TORTURE the animal first - just as they do the children in the tunnels - in the most terrifying way possible for that animal. For chickens, its being swung by its feet. For cattle, its forcing the steer on its back and then stabbing its belly.

That's what makes the meat kosher (satanic) is the total fear and alarm imparted to the meat, by the spirit animal so suffering. It is pure evil.

But oh no, you NEVER hear animal rights, PETA, or any other of the Edomite brigade shock troops that are trying to take our food supply away. 

These devils are sick for their "god" is lucifer and ANY act that hurts creation, is considered a GOOD THING, by these nasty smelling, baby raping/murdering thugs.

 I once tried a kosher hot dog once when I was younger. One bite and the nasty tasting, sour thing was in the trash. I couldn't even swallow the bite, my gag reflex was that fast.

Hey Rabbi, you are not cleansed, but condemned and you know it. MKing yourself and your minions into believing this Talmudic/Kabballistic shite just adds to your sin. How many children did you rape and murder this week?