Thursday, February 15, 2024

Thanking the spirit in the fire for the fire UPDATED

Here it is at the end of the fire, all tuckered out. Even these have cycles of being, just like mankind. The truth of Earth is not taught. No its not.

It's mouth is open, seen beneath the iron grate and nose and eyes visible above the horizontal grate. Fierce fellows, at all times. When your entire existence is one of channeling enormous volumes of transmuted matter into pure energy...

Like any conscious choir of angel, in its natural estate, it enjoys being appreciated for its labor. Of course, its unlawful to summon them, command them, or have demons manipulate them for one's benefit; that's witchcraft. That's forbidden. However, seeing them and saying hello, is not. In fact, it's that kind of appreciation and acknowledgement that builds natural and lawful bridges to the REAL WORLD, all around us.


You can see I've got a slow night...doing this stuffs. But, that's the reality of things. Everything IS ALIVE, NOT DEAD.


Great Spirit of the Waters