Friday, February 23, 2024

Trans phreak regret - an Edomite Victim

Trans phreak regret - an Edomite Victim

Don Bradley

It's a little known fact and used to be all over the internet, but every single head of the APA (American Psychiatric Association) has been or is, a CIA FIELD ASSET from the very beginning. DB

There are two kinds of troon phreaks. Those of the satanic, children of the fallen and their victims. We see this more and more. Edomite witches in school conspire with Edomite/jewbie headshrinkers to convince and MK young children into thinking they are REALLY the opposite sex and "god" made a mistake (they use this against those with a christian background, although not a Christian with a conscious relationship with Christ.) It's a little known fact and used to be all over the internet, but every single head of the APA (American Psychiatric Association) has and is, a CIA FIELD ASSET from the very beginning. 

Then, all of a sudden, whether of means or poor, money appears for surgeries, HRT drugs, and visits to headshrinkers for continuing mind control (MK) embedded in the waiting room music these doctors force the child to listen to by making them wait at least 20 minutes before starting that sessions appointment. Yeah, I've seen and heard this myself, when visiting a landlord back in 2006, who was also one of these horrific witches. While waiting to pay my rent, the soft elevator music in the background was subliminally pumping out terrible NLP command phrases. Ever go into a place where this kind of either thumping music or soft meaningless notes that are designed to be somnambulistic? Then in less than a minute, the song being played stops abruptly and the "new song or bla bla" comes on instead. That's for you. If they know you are coming, it's on 5 minutes before you arrive; if you are there but without notice first, they jam in a "number 6" or whatever MK, designed to weaken you mentally and psychologically and plant dozens of subliminal messages.

A child is helpless against such an onslaught. His or her parents are weak in mind and soul and are also targeted, thereby coming to believe their son/daughter's life is in danger of immediate suicide UNLESS THEY BECOME TROONS. This story is told by countless parents who obeyed such predators and let their children become abominations. These are troons that kill themselves. Witch and Edomite/Canaanite troons do not self terminate, they are in love with base evil and seek out every low to offend our Father.

That's how bad things really are.

They do this because of their allegiance to their "creator" Satan/Lucifer and that phreaks fallen angels changing their sex through wearing clown makeup, taking drugs, and doing unholy things to their bodies and souls. And, if they can get an innocent goyim/gentile to do it to themselves, its a double offense to Christ and YHVH. This is how they worship the fallen, the damned, the true evil on Earth. By becoming what these fallen want them to be – monsters who prey upon children.

Once the witches/wizards have done enough pharmakea and surgeries and they no longer need to MK the victims, they disappear. The victim, with eroding subliminals no longer working on their dysfunctional and drug addled minds, the GRIM REALITY OF ALL THAT HAS HAPPENED LEAVES THE VICTIM IN A STATE OF PSYCHIC SHOCK. The spells fizzle out in time and they are only left with a lifetime addiction to HRT drugs in an attempt to maintain the illusion for themselves and others. Of course that all fails, as it does. Then they usually join the 41% club and end their lives in sin.

Which is precisely the goal of the witches.

These devils want the child, now a very young, destroyed adult, to realize the horror of what they have done to themselves, when if it were not for the school conditioning mind control by a building full of pedophile witches and the MKULTRA doctors, these children would just get through their teenage angst – as we all do – and live normally. Not any more.

Any one with Yahudi (real name of the children of YHVH) blood is specifically targeted by these jewbies. They know your DNA, because, they have your blood at your birth and know exactly what you are, body lineage wise. The jewbie doctors that control ALL hospitals in the west make sure of the bloodline of every single birth that happens in ANY hospital.

This is how insidious and terribly evil these nephilim slugs and gimps truly are.

By the by, the priests of BAAL in the days of Elijah and Elisha – before their time and to this very day – were troon/phreaks; men wearing women's clothes, wearing clown makeup, and doing unholy things in public, while the parents of the people allowed these Edomite, Canaanite, Carthaginian, Phoenician, and now JEW (they historically and routinely steal every identity of every land or empire they infiltrate – now they are Israeli) to rape and then toss their children into the fire.

This is why Elijah slaughtered over 1,100 in a single afternoon, nearly 3,000 years ago. That was a good day. 

Happily, there will be days like that again. Already are, in fact.