Saturday, March 23, 2024

Cult of Baal

These are they with whom we in reality, must contend, bloodline of satan vs bloodline of Adam. These witches live and function without a shred of mercy or remorse, for that requires a loving heart, with Yeshua's spirit and blood. 

Best thing to do, really, is to pray against these groups, once a day. All that is needed for the harsh hammer of judgment to fall upon them - a sincere request at help from these vicious slugs and gimps.


PS. By the by, the leadership of the Hand of Death cult is no more.

Father has led me to:

 Psalm 31

16Make thy face to shine upon thy servant: save me for thy mercies' sake.

17Let me not be ashamed, O YHVH; for I have called upon thee: let the wicked be ashamed, and let them be silent in the grave.



Kenneth "Mad Dog" McKenna, snuff film/CP dealer, serial killer, Ted Bundy's mastermind and Hand of Death cult member, seems erudite well beyond most serial killers as far as the occult goes. Mentions the Canaanite gods Anath, Dagon, Baal and Asherah.

GJ - Now that you've told us that you are the person who arranged to have Molly Von Heidrich killed will you explain to the readers exactly how you went about making those arrangements?

MD - The bitch was stealing from me and blackmailing me. I just got fed up with her shit so I wrote to some people out on the street who are associated with the Hand of Death. These are avowed Satanists who want to show that they are worthy of induction into our organization. We call them the "Servants of the Hand". They are all coven members but mostly minor league types. What I did to get them moving was write a letter to the leader of the coven. The letter was written in runes. Runescript is the official written symbols of advanced Satanists. The runic message is sent to the Chief Witch of the coven selected to serve the Hand of Death. The Chief Witch is called a "Hellbitch"

MD - Just shut up and pay attention, you might learn a thing or what I do is write a runic message to the coven's Hellbitch telling why I want done. I sign it in blood with the mark of the Devil and mail it. The Hellbitch gets the letter and reads it. The Hellbitch then convenes the coven and they do a magickal ceremony which concludes with a casting of the runes; and what this involves, is tossing certain small lacquered sticks before a demonic image. The coven members who cast the series of runes called the Death rune carry out the terms of the message. We call the message, "The Edict". My edict was sent to the Hellbitch of Vampira in Atlanta, Georgia. Four marked witches of coven Vampira cast the Death rune. The Vampira coven is a subcult within the ancient society of the Daughters of Anath. They are very powerful witches who worship the Satanic Goddess Anath; their main covens are along the Levantine coast in the Middle East. The four witches went south to find Molly Von Heidrich and they did find her. Molly was kidnapped, bound, gagged, put in the trunk of a car and driven directly to Mexico. Molly was drugged to keep her quiet; when she woke up she was at Ranch Diablo looking into the faces of Dagonite women with filed teeth.

GJ - Wait. What are Dagonites? WHy do they have filed teeth?

MD - The Dagonites are a major Neo-Baalist cult that worships the God Dagon. Dagon is another name for Satan. Their women have filed teeth because they are cannibals. The Dagonites are very keen on fertility rites. They believe that all good things come up to man from out of the earth, from out of the underworld, and who is the ruler of the underworld? Unlike Christians, we believe that Hell is the good place. I can look at your face and see confusion so I'll explain this quickly and simply. The Hand of Death is a Trinity, an unholy Satanic Trinity comprised of the three primary Satanic forces in Western civilization: The Sons of Dagon, The Ancient Society of the Daughters of Anath and the Sisterhood of Asherah. Those are the three major forces in demonic Satanism at work in the world today. The Sisterhood of Asherah is made up of a union of witches who worship the Satanic Goddess Asherah, the Goddess of Sexual Lust. The world headquarters of the Hand of Death is located in the mountains of Northern Mexico not all that far south of the Texas border. All Satanic cults are sub-cults of these three.

When Henry Lee Lucas accused Aynesworth of coercing him to recant, it's highly unlikely he was aware that the CIA-connected 'journalist' had been accused of precisely such behaviour in the past.

This was not the only time Lucas' account was corroborated by other information. From Texas Monthly, June 1989:

>"When lawmen finally began to sort things out, the ritual killings seemed almost predestined. A map drawn two years ago by confessed mass-killer Henry Lee Lucas had predicted with inexplicable accuracy that the bodies of victims of satanic rituals would be found about where [Mark] Kilroy and others were found."

It's never been explained how else Lucas could have known that. Either it's an extraordinary coincidence, or he was telling the truth.

In fact, Lucas' accomplice in the officially-acknowledged killing spree - a man named Ottis Toole - confirmed his allegations about the Hand of Death cult, providing detailed descriptions of their rituals, and telling chronicler Sondra London that he was born into a family that had been involved with black witchcraft for generations. ( Toole also revealed, quite interestingly, that he'd visited the satanic-based Process Church of the Final Judgment in New Orleans!

The Process Church has since been linked to the Manson and Son of Sam killings. Founded in London in 1963, they preached that God and the Devil were one and the same being. Following a sojourn to (you guessed it) Mexico, they arrived in the U.S. where they were incorporated in New Orleans with the assistance of attorney Tommy Baumler, who belonged to the same CIA-associated circle as Shaw, Ferrie, and Oswald, and later interviewed by the D.A.'s investigators in connection with the Kennedy plot. Small world, isn't it?

Canaanite civilization can be sequestered into two branches distinguished by its two main cities. These were Carthage and Babylon, each worshiping a separate pairs of deities derived from the earth mother and dying god archetypes. From these they developed separate religious practices, which bleed into two separate branches of ritual tradition diffused from Canaanite culture into Classical culture, that being Greek and Roman

Babylon worshiped the patron deities Ishtar and Tammuz. Ishtar, depending on the period, was also known as Inanna or Sarpanit, but was associated with the planet Venus broadly speaking. Her symbol was an eight-pointed star called the star of Ishtar, and would later become known to monotheists as the Whore of Babylon. Her consort was Tammuz, also known as Marduk, Bel, or Dumuzid, who represented the the planet Jupiter. Religious rituals surrounding these two deities involved sexual rites known as sacred prostitution, or sex magic. These rituals were performed as reenactments of Ishtar's mythologized origin stories. In one of these myths a dying god archetype called Tammuz is resurrected by Ishtar through baptism, making her an earth mother archetype

“In Babylonian legend, the goddess Istar descends to Hades to fetch the water of life with which to restore to life the dead Thammuz, and it appears that the water was thrown over him at a great mourning ceremony, at which men and women stood round the funeral pyre of Thammuz lamenting.” —The Golden Bough, James G. Frazer vol I, p287

The Babylonians also held an annual festival called Sacaea, which went for five days and ended with a resurrection ritual where a human sacrifice taking on the role of the king, who had come to represent a dying god, was whipped and then crucified

“According to the historian Berosus, who as a Babylonian priest spoke with ample knowledge, there was annually celebrated in Babylon a festival called the Sacaea. . .During these five days masters and servants changed places, the servants giving orders and the masters obeying them. A prisoner condemned to death was dressed in the king’s robes, seated on the king’s throne, allowed to issue whatever commands he pleased, to eat, drink, and enjoy himself, and to lie with the king’s concubines. But at the end of the five days he was stripped of his royal robes, scourged, and crucified." —The Golden Bough, James G. Frazer, vol I, p226

Another annual Babylonian festival, which went for twelves days in December, was called Zagmuk. It involved sacred prostitution rites using priestesses from the Temple of Venus in Babylon representing Ishtar, who would have ritualistic sex with the king, representing the dying god Tammuz, who would then be killed afterwards. Though they would come to use a substitution sacrifice in the place of the king to circumvent having to ordain a new leader annually.

Now, regarding the important information, the first important thing is the episode about John the Baptist and Salome. John the Baptist is the person who baptized Yeshua/Jesus Christ, and here it is said that he belonged to the Essenes sect of Judaism.

Let me now briefly touch on the Essenes. It should help your understanding. The Essenes originated around the second half of the 2nd century BC. They were much smaller than the large forces such as the Pharisees and Sadducees. They lived a simple communal life centering on agriculture in a place away from the world, and were characterized by sharing property, being celibate, eating vegetarian food, and strictly observing the Sabbath. All of this is to cut off the filthiness of the worldly world. They believed that they were under a new covenant, that the temple of the Lord was not built of stones, but of those who were faithful to God. One of the small communities belonging to the Essenes was the Qumran Order, which left behind the documents known as the Dead Sea Scrolls. Among the descriptions in the Dead Sea Scrolls, there is a point that seems to be related to the story of the pseudonym: that there will be two Messiahs. They are the secular Messiah (the one who rebuilds the Law of Moses) who follows the line of Aaron, and the priestly Messiah (the expositor of the law) who follows the line of Israel. According to this idea, John the Baptist falls under the first category, and Jesus Christ falls under the second.

The Essenes are said to have been involved in a battle between the Great God YHVH and the Devil (the Dead Sea Scrolls mention a war between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness). ). John the Baptist followed that plan and baptized Jesus/Yeshua. That was a good day.

Salome was the daughter of Herod, king of Judea. This Herod was the son of King Herod, the new king of Judea who threatened his position, who slaughtered all the infants in the kingdom when he learned that Jesus/Yeshua was about to be born. His official name is Herod Antipas. He is also said to have crucified Jesus/Yeshua (although it is more commonly said that this was on the orders of the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate). There is a story that Augustus of Rome despised Salome, saying, "It is better to be a pig than to be the son of Herod". That's it. Salome danced a lewd dance (the Dance of the Seven Veils) in which she took off her clothes one by one in front of her father, the king. As her reward, she asked for John's head. True to his words, John's head was presented to Salome.

DAGON, a god of the Philistines who had temples at Ashdod (i Sam. v. 1), and Gaza (Judg. xvi. 21, 23); the former was destroyed by Jonathan, the brother of Judas the Maccabees (i Macc. x. 84; 148 B.C.). But Dagon was more than a mere local deity; there was a place called Beth-Dagon in Judah (Josh. xv. 41), another on the borders of Asher (ib. xix. 27), and a third underlies the modern Bet Dejan, south-east of Nablus. Dagon was in all probability an old Canaanite deity; it appears in the name of the Canaanite Dagantakala as early as the 15th century, and is possibly to be identified with the Babylonian god Dagan. Little is known of his cult (Judg. xvi. 23 seq.), although as the male counterpart of Ashtoreth (see Astarte) his worship would scarcely differ from that of the Baalim (see Baal). The name Dagon seems to come from ddg " fish," and that his idol was half-man half-fish is possible from the ichthyomorphic representations found upon coins of Ascalon and Arvad, and from the fact that Berossus speaks of an Assyrian merman-god.