Friday, March 1, 2024

Fine Feathered Friends of the Lake

 There are so many now, from all over. When witches show up, I go the other side of the lake and visit with the flying swimmers. I watched this a few times. My friends won't get nearer to 20 feet from the shore when the nasty hags show up. The hagsters tried using children to front them, thinking that innocence of children will help conceal their bloated, sluggish souls. No soap. 

You see, these angels of the waters want no congress with evil. And especially after your kind goes around, stealing their eggs for spells and such. They really hate you for that. For its not for food - which is understood, but not happily - but to hurt people. And them. I am aware of two curses laid up against the water babies, by local witches. How disappointing.

Happily, wherever I go around the lake, the entire repetoire heads in that direction. Quite a sight to me at least. And in the last month or so, when I pull onto the dirt parking area, they swarm out of the lake and head to the truck. Some even wanted to go home with me, trying to jump into the truck. I told them I had no lake for them to be in; they hopped out.

It's a great deal of fun and joy.

(I'm just sharing my joy with friends that respond to such things. Many see all this with seething resentment and hatred, especially of me.)

Just as I pull in, here they come, singing dancing, honking, and showing their affection. It's so endearing, it's hard to keep from crying.