Saturday, March 2, 2024

witch casts spell - patrons start fighting - witch cackles

 This is from the holidays last A bruja casts a spell, which sets all the hitchhiker laden big butts to start a fight. (the spell uses demons to irritate its host, who then just start a fight. This happens A LOT. Once the fight escalates into 3 or more, the witch lets out a loud, horrific cackle at how easy it was a thing to do. I've seen this a bunch. If you look at things around you, you will find either cell panels in corporate death food for the goy or if not corporate, there it is...a witch, leering with contempt and creating the event.

Witches who work at schools do this all the time. Listen always, to whom is laughing and is it a laugh or a cackle? 20 years ago, you rarely saw this. Now, its whenever these fat, tattooed covered slugs go out.

The cackle - the laugh of a demon infested stink hole.

Only a stunted, evil soul cackles over a group of people hurting each other. In fact, its the witch filming this. 

Witches...big time dykes...ugly as sin...takes enjoyment in hurting the ignorant...rotten in the extreme.