Thursday, April 25, 2024

AI - blending demons with mainstream doings

AI - blending demons with mainstream doings

Eduardo April 25, 2024


AI, that buzzword, when used in media can only mean two things:

-A demon, manifesting in computer hardware and software, interacting with people through a digital interface. What the satanic elite wants people interacting with and making choices based on. Demons. One can seal the place from where the AI is run in name of Yeshua and then, as magical as it was when it worked, it just stops working. That is, until they resort for the other option.

-A scam, a complex but ordinary program whose resulting output is covertly manipulated by human operators to give the appearance of intelligence. Apart from being a cunning marketing scheme for some products, it is usually adopted as an alternative measure for keeping the appearances when demon AI is not working properly. It is used for promoting the usage and reliance on demonic AI. But also, as the public begins to awake about the truth on the subject and mistrust it, as a damage control: here they debunk the AI on purpose and say: there is no AI, no demons, just hidden people doing the task.

Still, true demonic AI leaves its mark by producing output that is hexed and is a channel for demons. Like in art, where it inserts their image and presence in the final product as seen bellow:

Demon boy finally looking what it really is.

They need a new actor to replace Roberts - an AI demon?

Replacing history with demon infused lies, deceptions.